Creating an Effective Video Presentation to Sell Your Product

Nothing sells an information product like a good video presentation. Video presentations are really popular on sales pages and websites because they give people another way to digest the information. If you know how to make a good video presentation, it’ll boost your conversions into the stratosphere. Keep It Simple   Now, when you think […]

The Internet’s Killing The High Street

I don’t know about you but some of the rubbish you see in national newspapers really gets to me, if I have to read another article in the papers here in the UK about  the X factor in the US I think I’ll go mad! But hey I suppose that’s what sells newspapers and because […]

Your Online Business on Autopilot

When you first start your online business, you can do it all yourself. But as your business grows, so do all the little things you have to do. Automation helps small entrepreneurs set some of these tasks on autopilot, which frees you up to focus on more important things and allows your business to scale. […]

What It Really Means to “Treat It Like a Business”

‘Treat it like a business.’ That’s an old cliche you hear all the time in the IM world. It’s funny because everybody treats it like a business, right? After all, you’ve got to if you want to make money. Well, this phrase is one of those things we all say but I’m not sure everybody […]

Social Media Marketing – How to Market to Two Different Languages

Take a second to consider this – you’ve got a market in two different languages. How would you go about marketing to them? For most of us, we’ve never even thought about doing this before. But the world is truly getting smaller and it’s likely in the near future that you’ll have to market to […]