Hi There
Learn to write good copy, its essential for your business believe me and its a skill that can be learnt but you need to devote some time to it, here goes ………..
Salesmanship in Print
It’s really important when running an online business that you have a plan in place to sell your services to the world. With the absence of advertising no one will know about your site and its clear what will happen then. You won’t make a lot of sales or maybe even none and the business will not work. There are however, tools at your disposal that you can use to market the business effectively and move those sales upwards. There will be many factors determining which tools you use but regardless of what decision you make there is one thing you must have for all advertising campaigns and online business to work.
We call it copy writing
Historical fact here…
In 1905 John E Kennedy referred to copy writing as “salesmanship in print” and the name has stuck ever since. If you are in internet marketing or business advertising you can’t do without it. There are a lot of reasons for this that is hard to not pay attention to.
The greatest advantage of copy writing is that it is a cheap way to get repetitive advertising. The repetition element is powerful here as customers will remember your product next time they want to buy. Several articles can be written to describe your product and then reach the customer getting their attention for the product in different ways.
How to Use it!
Your product however will always be remembered. Using the technology of email you can send your products out to your customers at whatever time interval you choose. You will then be reminding them of the product you are selling over and over again. Some customers will now buy while another customer who was not intending to buy until you persuaded them otherwise will now buy.
Copy writing reminds us that that even though you are not talking to your customer on the phone or in person you are still communicating with them. Things like trust, being reliable; and affordable are the elements that turn a no into a yes

Copy writing will require some skill. You will need to be aware of grammatical mistakes. You will also need to know about how to plan the writing of your copy and what to put where on the page. Because the customer does not know you, you will need to include information about who, what, when, what and why as it relates to your business and the product that you are selling. If the copy has grammatical mistakes or if there are other things that are wrong, the customer may not trust you or will be lead astray by you. Therefore the grammatical elements and effective writing are essential elements of copy writing.
There is something that you also need to be aware of when you are copy writing, and that is to be entertaining and interesting as well as accurate and informative. A little humor can go down really well here and get your message across easier. It will take some time for all your copy writing skills to come together. It is However such an integral part of internet marketing that you will not be able to do without it. When you start to see the money coming in you will be glad that you put the time into learning it.
So there you go
best wishes – just drop me an email if you need help
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