Writing Ebooks The Quick And Painless Way

Writing ebooks is a huge headache for most marketers. It’s especially tough if you’re not a writer. It can take you forever to crank the darn thing out. Of course, you can always hire a writer to do it for you, but that can get costly.

More Isn’t Better

First of all, when it comes to writing ebooks, more is not always better. People want a digital product that’s easy to consume. An ebook should be at least 20 pages or so, but it doesn’t have to be ‘War and Peace.’ Don’t try to tackle every aspect of your topic in one book. Take just one aspect and get into it, and save the rest for your other books.

The goal of your book should be to help the reader. It should show them how to take action to solve their problem, while also giving them that ‘I can do it’ feeling. It should also entertain them so that you keep them with you. When you write ebooks, focus on this as well as providing information. Since it doesn’t have to be fully packed with information, you’ll save time on research if you remember this.

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Ebook Creation Shortcuts

Now, there are some excellent shortcuts that make ebook creation much easier. One is to use PLR, or private label rights content. This is content that you buy as-is and it’s ready to use. You can buy articles and patch them together into a book. Just make sure that you change the content enough so that it’s original, or they may be buying the same content somewhere else!

There’s loads of great stuff out there but do be careful and make sure you deliver quality because its your reputation out there and believe me it’s a lot harder to come back and have to re establish your reputation if you’ve put out some not too great work, and you’ll waste loads of time as well.

Get A Structure

Start with a table of contents. Decide what you’re going to teach in the ebook and imagine the other questions your readers will have. Turn these questions into the other chapters. The cool thing about PLR is that it’s so flexible. You can use it just to fill in the chapters that you don’t want to write. For example, focus on writing the ‘meat’ of the book, and use PLR to fill it out and increase its value.

Another great shortcut is to interview someone. Find an expert in your niche who has some name recognition, and do a quick interview. You can use this to create the book itself, or add the interview as a bonus to increase the ebook’s value. You’ll also get some people finding your ebook by searching for the expert’s name.

Blog Your Book

If you’ve got a blog, you can use it to write your ebook. Again, start with a table of contents. Then, turn each ‘chapter’ into a blog post. After a few weeks of blogging, put those blog posts together and you’ve got an ebook. You might want to edit a little bit to make sure it flows and add some images.

One reason this is great is that you can get feedback on your book before you write it. See what people are saying in the comments. You also get a chance to edit and update before you publish.

These are just a few methods that have worked well for me. It’s important to not get stressed about it. Instead of writing it from scratch, use content that you already have.

Stop Press:

If you’re reading this then you should be reading the other posts Ive written about Kindle and digital download books – it’s a massive growth area and one that I’m getting into very soon – so watch out for more news of this coming very soon

To your success


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