Why Procrastination is Killing Your Business

Blimey I m a real procrastinator over many things – I think it’s my subconscious life’s ambition – I often put off today what I can do tomorrow – I often wait till I have absolutely no choice and have to do whatever, make that decision, made even worse if it’s one that will result in confrontation or upset – I know I know what a bloody woos!

My thing is well perhaps if I wait it will get better, that property in selling might go up in value, I might be able to get that piece of furniture cheaper, and those theatre tickets might come down in price

You know what I mean – how often does that work out – not often

But and here’s the killer sometimes it does, it did for me and you know what that’s the worst thing that can happen because it just eases you back into your comfortable state of procrastination – I even had it last week  Id told myself that I’d start shooting videos on my phone – video marketing right it’s the way to go – so I decided I’d do one every day just to get comfortable – day 2 – ok, day 2 ok, day 3 it was raining, day 4 – I had to get home because I was going out and day 5 – well by then I’d given up

How shit is that – and the more it happens the more your life and the opportunities slip you by

What my takeaway solution then

2 thing really

For me I love lists and what in doing is writing a list with targets in priority of things I need to do and by when – guess what’s number 1 – yep video

No 2 – get a mentor to nag you to death – but get specific

And here’s my weird take on this- I have a mate who loves sailing and big amusement parks (Disney etc.)

Now 1} I don’t really like water & I’m not a great wimmer

2) Being scared ridged on a ride at Animal Kingdom puts me totally out of my comfort zone, and I mean totally!!!!

So number 1 – he had a Signifcant birthday coming up and he wanted a number of us to go on a sailing holiday to Turkey

Blimey not something  I really wanted to do but

A} he’s a close friend and I wanted to support him

B} I took myself off to the local swimming pool and joined a class to learn to swim – had to pay in Advance so no procreation allowed there – just had to stick to it

C} there we were in a local restaurant and the subject of theme parks came up and how much my kids would love to go (17 and 14) so suddenly he’s all over the idea, forces me to agree  and a week later its booked. And the best bit we went between Xmas & New Year and the kids didn’t find out about going until Christmas day – the excitement and look on their face was pure gold – it was worth it just for that.

.so my advice find a friend/work colleague who can “mentor” you on specifics – don’t try to change your whole being – start with the small things and chip away 1 bit at a time like I did!!

Ps we’ve been on 4 sailing g holidays since that one – so it worked!!!!

Keep on going and challanging yourself



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