Why Outsourcing Your E-book Creation Is A Vital Internet Marketing Strategy

Welcome back, and in this post not only will I tell you how to find the RIGHT ghostwriter but also my top tips to make it work for you.

Outsourcing your e-book creation is possibly one of the most important Internet marketing strategies you’ll ever learn because it will enable you to make the best use of your time and skills because I tell you for most of us there’s simply not enough hours in the day to do everything, certainly not well (unless you’ve given up your day job that is!!!) that means you get tired, frustrated and end up not working at full capacity  and also as  we all know there’s loads of rubbish info products on the net as well – make yours isn’t one of them.

Make sure your product is the best it possibly can be and using a professional writer especially if they have knowledge in your niche should result in your product being exactly that -unique, useful and of value to your customers. – Don’t short-change yourself ever by offering a poor quality product – just don’t do it, it will haunt you, believe me.

Step 1 – How to Find A Good Writer

Once you’re ready to outsource your e-Book creation, the next step is to find a good writer.  There are lots of factors to consider here such as quality, experience and price.  Before you start looking, you should prioritize these factors.  What’s most important to you?

These will be the drivers:

1} Available Budget

2} Skill & Knowledge Required

3} Speed of ‘Getting the Job Done”

If you’re on a limited budget, price will be the main consideration, however a word of caution here don’t be totally driven by price and nothing else.  Consider this, if you can find a writer who is experienced in your niche, this might be more important than price.  High quality should always be the main consideration.

After all if the quality is poor then you’ll be drowning in returns, which will also damage your reputation in the niche. It’s simply not worth the risk believe me.

Skill & Knowledge, the more specialised and complex your niche is not only will it be harder to find a person qualified to do the job but the old rules of supply & demand will kick in and mean that the price will increase.

Top Tip

Make sure whatever niche your in that it can stand a worthwhile price level, after all there’s no point having a great e-book written for you, costs a packet and then you discover your niche is very price sensitive & will there fore mean you’ll be selling your e-book for years just to break even – not great business sense that!

Speed – well obviously this will dictate price if your chosen ghost writer is busy. However this all comes down to careful planning and forward thinking – as a rule of thumb go online and google ghost writers, you’ll come across sites like Elance and many others – its pretty straightforward to get an indication of cost and timescales.

Use Online Resources Please

You can start looking for your writer locally or on the Internet.  Locally, you can put an ad in a magazine or newspaper. To be honest though I wouldn’t even bother – you’re an Internet marketer using Internet marketing strategies why would you not use the one tool that you plan to make a living from? Offline is too slow, laborious and unnecessary – go online – It’s easy to work with someone in person, but most people are now doing it all online.

VOIP programs like Skype make it easy to communicate as well as do teleconferencing and send files.  You can place your requirements online for writers all over the world using freelance sites such as Elance, GetAFreelancer and many more just Google freelance writers – you’ll be amazed. Don’t forget though   your brief should list exactly what you’re looking for.

Top Tips

For me and speed I’d use the Internet, sites like Elance no called https://www.upwork.com/ are easy to use, safe, have a good mix of writers across many knowledge bases. Word of warning here though make sure the quality of writing is good, well written, grammatically correct & in good English. After all having to edit an article that cost you $10 is one thing – an entire e-book a totally different kettle of fish – mark my words.

When you start to get replies, start by getting rid of the ones that don’t suit you.  These are the writers whose samples are poor quality or those who ask for too much money.  This is where your list of priorities comes into play.  See if they suit your needs and eliminate the ones that don’t.

Narrow your list down to three writers who you will contact.  You can interview them in person if you’re looking for a local writer, or over the phone or Internet if you’re searching globally.  The whole point of the interview is to assess whether they’ll be able to deliver what you need.  You should consider price, timeline and also how easy they are to communicate with.

Finally, make a decision. Set timelines that both you & the freelancer can agree upon and stick to – ensure that there is a drip-feed of chapters flowing though – this is vital and give the opportunity to tweak matters if needs be.

The Most Important Tip Of All

If you find a writer who ends up delivering exactly what you wanted at a reasonable price, you should keep them in mind for future projects.  An excellent writer who is reliable and affordable is extremely hard to find, so hang on to them!



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