Why Outsource Your E-book Creation?

Getting A Great Ghost-writer For Your Niche E-book is Not Hard

Hi now today I thought I’d give you the heads up as to why you must be considering outsourcing when developing your ideas for product creation, it’s a key internet marketing strategy that’s used by virtually everyone, especially when it comes to a lengthy bit of work like creating an e-book.

The Reason you MUST Be Outsourcing

Today I’ll give the reasons why its vital you use outsourcing as part of your internet marketing strategy and that you get together the money to do it even when you’re just starting out as a real novice in this information publishing business. It allows you to be more productive and utilise your time in the most efficient manner.

Then tomorrow I’ll tell you how to find an expert ghostwriter, that won’t break the bank and my top tips for using them and avoiding the common mistakes often made when you’re a beginner.

Here’s what happened to Us

Let me tell you early on  I outsourced some product creation work but didn’t really consider did the guy understand our ethos and the direction we wanted to take with the project. We didn’t flesh out the brief properly either. Well the work came back, not at all what we wanted, it went to and fro several times – he got frustrated, we got frustrated and in the end we ended up paying albeit a reduced fee for something that wasn’t right and we had to spend time and energy editing to our own spec – how daft is that? If we’d just thought it through properly – anyway you live and learn.

Don’t Forget – research is Key to Any Project

Ok you’ve done some great niche market research; found a hot topic which you believe illustrates an opportunity to go for. You can probably handle most of your internet niche marketing campaign yourself, but there’s one area where most of us struggle especially if you don’t consider yourself a great writer in the first place, you’ll have trouble coming up with a strong content led, well researched & written e-book to sell into your hot marketplace.

Now we all know the content has to be excellent in order to build trust and authority.  In fact, it’s the most important part of what we do.  Most of us can write short articles or blog posts, but when it comes to putting together an entire e-Book, this requires the help of an expert especially if you don’t want it to take forever to come to fruition.

Now for any compete novices reading this “e-Book” is simply an electronic book that is read either on a computer or mobile device. It has become the most established method of delivering information over recent years and is set to continue to grow massively in the years ahead.

This article looks at how e-Books work and why marketers usually outsource e-Book creation to a ghostwriter.

Why Outsource?

You may be very passionate about your niche, you may live and breathe it, but this doesn’t mean you have the writing skills to write a book about it.  Most of us don’t. Sorry to burst your bubble over this but that’s just fact and even if you did DIY you’d almost certainly find it would take considerable time because its unfamiliar territory.

Top Tip – Create An Outline of Your E-book

However, you can create the outline of the e-Book, its format and what you’d like it to accomplish. In fact I’d say you must do this because this will give the format that you’ll get your freelance or ghostwriter to quote on. Its vital that you illustrate to your freelancer the essence of the key information your e-book must deliver to your hot market – without that you might have a great well written book but few sales because its not satisfying the demand you initially discovered which was the whole reason for entering that niche in the first place – understood?

You’ll also have the final rights to the material after your ghostwriter writes it.  Your ghostwriter will create it under your direction and do any revisions that need to be made.  You effectively work as the managing editor and put your name on it when it’s done. Do however make sure this copyright part is written into your agreement with them.

Outsourcing is the Accepted Way

If you’re not a writer, that’s fine; most marketers outsource.  For most of us, it’s too expensive to hire a full-time writer to keep on our staff.  Unless you’re churning out e-Books on a monthly basis, you can outsource to an independent contractor.  The web is full of freelance ghostwriters who offer their services for reasonable prices.  You can hire them for one e-Book, or any of your content needs.  The longer you work with them, the better they’ll understand your vision and style.


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