Why Do I Need To Write Great Articles?

Easy Ways to Stir Up Your Creative Juices

Hi there now I know for some of you the idea of writing your own articles is very daunting, ok yes writing blog content is ok but when it comes to a fully fledged article people seem to totally go to pieces. I really don’t know why but my wife Sam is like that and it seems whatever I do she still struggles with it. Give her the proof reading, making sure Ive got key words in there and it reads right & she’s terrific.

The Myth Of  How To Be Creative In Your Article Writing

Ok so today’s post covers the thought process behind why you need to ‘get over’ the mental roadblock of writing your own content and why by getting your thoughts inline, you’ll start to write great copy.

So yep you’ve guessed it most (not although) falls to me. Now I’m a total believer that everyone marketing on the internet should be writing their own stuff, so I’ve listed out some simple tips that I hope you might find useful to getting your creative juices flowing and meaning that your article writing is not quite such a chore after all.

Why Am I Doing This & What Do I Want to Achieve?

After all Article writing is not all about relaying your thoughts in words and putting it on paper; the interest of the reader has to be captured and remain captivated while they devour the entire text without keeping their interest they simply will not finish it.  For the message you want to get across, you need to grab the reader’s interest and hold it long enough to achieve your desired objective, that being getting as far as the resource box and clicking though to your site for more information – because lets face it that is  your aim and don’t lose sight of that. If you fail to achieve that then your hard work is mainly in vain.

Creativity is the main ingredient of a strong and captivating article. With creativity your article comes alive making it easier for a reader to be comfortable and it enables you to get your points across – after all the article needs to answer and/or deliver useful information.

Some internet marketers have this creative ability naturally while others struggle to produce something that will do the job. But to be honest so much of it depends on your state of mind and mental focus when you sit down to write – sometimes I just can’t put a decent sentence together. Look at it this way, write as if you’re talking to your best friend, make it natural and conversational – your writing will flow much more easily and be believable.Remember you need to be establishing trust with your reader as well.

Most if not all of you will have heard & experienced writers block. Writers block hinders any creative ability you have while you are writing. It effectively blocks any ideas you want to put down. You need to get rid of it and with tomorrow’s tips I’ll give you some pointers to help. And I tell you these are exactly some of the tips I use myself when I get stuff, which unfortunately is more often than I’d like – and I’ve been writing 6 or 7 years now – so don’t worry about it read my top 5 tips tomorrow.

Paint ‘Your’ Picture – Its Unique

Writing is all about painting a picture in the readers mind. A reader when he reads your article should be able to imagine it for real; he should be able to see it in his mind’s eye. So it requires a level of creativity and flair for writing to depict a certain scenario to the reader.

Good writers make use of similes and metaphors, which make it easier for their audience to understand and remain captivated. You should construct your articles, creating sentences that are linked together in a logical manner thereby forming paragraphs that act as a road map through the article/story.  The structure of these should be short to hold attention of the reader.

But how to-do all of this when your mind is in ‘block’ mode how do you ‘un block and prepare for your article writing task ahead?

There are certain things you as a writer can do to cancel out the writer’s block state of mind. By doing these things, the creative juices will resume and hopefully you’ll be able to get back to writing your content rich articles.



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