What’s Your No. 1 Problem to Succeed?

Hi there

Here’s a wakeup call I had

The bloody clock seems to be ticking faster and faster these days and not that I think I’ll ever totally retire but however you look at it there will be a time when the day job as it is currently will end.

Here’s a little story that you illustrate my point

My wife and I invested in rental properties 17 years ago, we bought some and then expanded – have other streams of income right? Yea well when it works its ok but when it goes wrong it’s a nightmare. Plus I always thought couldn’t afford a proper pension and houses would be better you know the ultimate question people are asked which is better pension or property – Anyway I digress

All our properties are in interest only mortgages so when the term comes to an end you’ve got to pay them off and the only way we can do that is to sell them

So anyway I had a session with our financial adviser (sounds very posh but it’s not really)) so we sat down went through our savings, the little pension pot I have and what are we going to do in retirement especially as my wife is 5 years younger than me and because of that doesn’t get her state pension until she’s 67 can you believe that – 7 years later than we thought a difference of well over £50k!!!

And suddenly you’re staring at figures that aren’t going to pay your way add to that property prices have stagnated in many parts of the UK, so what I’d reckoned on growth has disappeared if not gone in reverse , then you’ve got to factor in the tax as well so all in all in sitting there thinking oh shit

17 years ago the environment was totally different, investing in property was on a high now there’s a glut of investment property on the market especial.ly where our portfolio is so where on paper a few years back we were millionaires suddenly were looking at a whole different ball game and what could be a tricky situation

So when I say the clock is ticking I mean just that we must start disposal in 2 years’ time

And on top of all of that the mortgage on our main house needs repaying in 2 and half years as well – so no pressure here at all!!!!!!

So there really is a massive need for me to get this online business up and running and making money now – there’s no excuse at all – I need to do it and get it right.

What’s your biggest problem do you think, your barrier to getting success online?

I have 2, I think 2 main ones anyway

First getting traffic in big enough numbers and then getting enough of it to convert???

Secondly getting all the bits and pieces in a row that actually works – landing pages, autoresponders and writing autoresponder messages

It just seems to me that even with automation there’s still a lot of work to do, even when you automate stuff with tools like Buffer and Hootsuite it’s still work you still need to feed the beast constantly – and I struggle with that. Once you’re making some money I know what I’ll do I’ll outsource some of these tasks because otherwise you just end up knackered and chasing your arse

What’s your biggest obstacle to making a living online/ what can i do to help? email me and i’ll try and offer some advice, I’ll tell you who I’m following and what i’m doing if that helps




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