What’s Your Call To Action?

Hi There

Here’s 2 tips for when you’re writing your ad copy – remember people’s attention spans have narrowed considerably especially online – you 2 seconds have to count. And remember its trail and error – don’t expect every ad you write to work because it won’t.

Proof And Credibility

You’ll be making lots of claims in your ad copy and pushing lots of buttons, but be sure you back them up with credible proof.  Cite statistics or scientific studies.  Give them testimonials from real people about how your product helped them.  After you make your claims, follow it up with proof so they know it’s not just hype.

The Call To Action

Finally, the most important element in ad copy is the call to action.  Don’t just tell them how cool your product is and why they need it – tell them to click here now to buy it.  When a prospect is sitting on the fence, the call to action gets them to jump off.

Writing great ad copy isn’t hard to do at all.  It really doesn’t require great writing skills.  What it requires is for you to understand your reader, focus on them, and tell them how your product will help their life.

Now you don’t have to hire an expensive copywriter to write ads for you!  Give what I’ve taught you a try and see if you get results.


Leave me a comment please, let me know how you are getting on, I’d genuinely like to know


Owner:  Steps To Dot Com Success.com

Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com

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