Two Heads Are Better Than One – How To Find Great Joint Venture Partners Even If You Don’t Know Anybody

A joint venture is a great way to get more for the same amount of effort.  By partnering with another marketer or online professional, you’re extending your reach to their audience.  You can also use their strengths and expertise, especially in areas where you’re lacking.

The key to success with a JV is to find a good partner.  This is somebody who’s going to bring something good to the table, reciprocate your generosity, and help you succeed as well.  This type of person is not as easy to find as you may think!  Lots of JV’s end in disasters because one half of the partnership was a flake, scum bag or liar.

So read on and discover how to do it properly….

If you’re thinking about going in to a JV, do it slowly and cautiously.  Get to know people well and, if at all possible, work with them before you invest any time or money into a project.  I know you probably want to jump right in and start making money, but go slow.

Finding JV Partners

There are three great places to find JV partners.  One is online forums.  Online forums are where people are hanging out, chatting, asking questions and networking.  You can find JV partners on Internet marketing forums like the Warrior Forum (, which has its own JV section, or forums in your niche.

Social media sites are also great (you knew I was going to say that, right?).  Just like forums, people are there exclusively for the purpose of networking.  LinkedIn ( is particularly good for finding business partners.

Finally, the best place to meet JV partners is at offline seminars and conventions.  Everybody goes to these looking for JV partners.  Of course, attending a seminar isn’t as easy (or cheap) as contacting somebody on the Warrior Forum.

How To Get Them Interested

It’s very easy to contact someone and talk to them about a partnership.  What you want to do is emphasize a few key points.  First, briefly tell them who you are.  Stick to your achievements (for example, you have a list of 20,000 subscribers) and sell yourself a bit.

But don’t blab too much about yourself.  Make it about THEM.  Tell them how you can benefit them.  Just like your sales prospects, they’re going to be going, ‘What’s in it for me?’  Tell them exactly that.

If you can outline as much of your business plan as possible, this would also be good.  Give them an idea of the type of project you have in mind and what both of you can do for it.

You should also include in your message something to let them know that you actually know who they are.  Lots of companies send out generic emails that look like JV offers.  If they get bombarded with these, they’ll ignore it.

Pick On Somebody Your Own Size

Obviously, partnering up with a big-name guru is going to get you big result.  But you should ask yourself, ‘Why would they want to work with ME?’  If you’re going to approach anybody big, you’d better have some really good stuff to offer them.

The best approach is to contact people that are the same ‘size’ as you.  In other words, they’re at about the same level as you are in terms of their Internet marketing endeavours.  This is how you create partnerships that are the most mutually beneficial.

Don’t keep putting it off, just try it & you’ll be surprised how easily it can all come together.


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