Traffic Generation Tips For Internet Marketing Beginners

Welcome and in this post I’m going to outline some other really straight forward methods to use in your Internet marketing activities building traffic, your position n within your niche and improve your search engine rankings. Blimey all sounds like lots of really hard work but it s not really just break it down concentrate on one area at a time, get comfortable and by that I mean ‘Learn It’, do your homework and then move on to the next one.

The ‘Devil’s In The Detail’

A couple of days ago I was talking to a mate of mine, we always tell each other about various money making opportunities we have heard about, invested in, considered from time to time especially those where they are a bit risky, un- regulated or sound just too good to be true.

Now we know each other pretty well, we’ve both been invested in things that have worked out  and likewise others that have ‘gone belly up’.

Now I tell you what’s really strange he’ll take a flyer on something that I’d think ‘wow far too risky for me’. He’s a real ‘seat of your pants’ man, not into detail, looks at something makes his mind up & boom its done (sometimes to his cost I reckon, and he’d agree)

However then there’s me – I’m a detail man, I need to understand it, I like to understand the financials on a piece of paper, I like my spreadsheets, my ‘to do’  lists, Attention to detail and I think that’s what you need when it comes to successful Internet marketing. OK if you’re not a detail person still try & get a structure to your online activity because little and often is the name of the game – it takes time and effort – don’t be fooled by the old  make a million on “auto pilot”. Yep its true much can be automated but to start you need to put some hours in!

Take a bit of time, take just one of the elements we’re discussing here and really use it, understand it, get comfortable so it becomes second nature then and only then move on to the next element, so here goes …..

Building Back links

One sure-fire strategy to getting more traffic is to build back links.  This means that you’ve got lots of other sites that have links back to your site.  The search engines like this.  It also gets you traffic directly, as people see your link and click on it because they have an interest ion the subject matter or niche that your site covers.

The Old Favorite – Article marketing

One of the best  ways still to develop back links, your position in your niche & gain more traffic  is through article marketing.  Simply write short, general information articles related to your business area or niche and make sure  that the content  offers some kind of helpful advice, top tips, the top 5 things you must know, how to etc you get my drift..

You post your articles on article directory sites, and within your resource box (normally at the end of your article) contains a back link to your site.  These get you traffic, but another benefit is that they also improve your ranking in the search engines.  Your article may appear on the first few  pages of Google, which means you’ll potentially  have lots of readers quite quickly. However realistically because of the level of competition it quite often takes some time for the article to rank highly – but do be patient.

Create a Blog

Creating a blog is another great way to grow your traffic,increase your profile both on the web and within your niche or market sector..  Start blogging and make consistent posts that are interesting to read and valuable to the reader.  To take it to another level, search the web for similar blogs and post a comment on them.  Again, this comment will have a back link to your site.  But again, remember that the Internet has changed; make sure your comments are valuable to readers and don’t look like  your just leaving a meaningless comment to try & get a back link because you’ll get banned at worst, erased by the blog owner or ignored by readers.

Strategies for Internet marketing are always changing, but the basics stay the same.  Create quality content, build back links and raise your rank in the search engines.  If you practice these techniques, your success will happen, yes it takes time but you’ll make it just don’t give up. I really hope this short insight into successful Internet marketing strategies has been useful especially if you’re a beginner –  I know how that feels, so get on and start, yes you’ll make mistakes but that’s all part of the learning curve. Until the next time ……..

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