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Hi There,

Public speaking

One of the tasks you have to do joining a Rotary club is to deliver a “Job or Life” talk to the other members in your first year of joining. Blimey that’s like public speaking and I hate that – or do I?

Anyway again I kept procrastinating putting it if again and again until I just had to do it. Fortunately for me I’m a good planner so I planned out what I was going to say and picked a date to deliver.

Wow I delivered even a joke (which I’m shit at telling|) people really listened and even asked questions and do you know what I really enjoyed it

2 takeaways

1} we all have knowledge that we can share & that people want to hear

2} until you put yourself out of your comfort zone you’ll never know what you are capable of and might even enjoy

PS> Perhaps your’s is fishing

I often think I don’t know anything – how can I be an expert & advise others?

You don’t know what you know until someone asks you – weird I know. Don’t ask I about sport or anything like that but ask me about Property investing and I’ll rabbit on for hours, bore you to death, and let me explain

One area that I got into and class as my evening & weekend job was/is property investing. My wife and I have a property portfolio that we started over 17 years ago – not local to us but all over the UK – so we use agents and manage it all at arm’s length

It’s a love hate relationship no doubt – great when it’s going well and horrorundous when it goes wrong and we’ve had plenty of them – houses trashed, tenants doing runners, rent not paid etc. etc.

I decided a few years ago now to chronicle my property ad]ventures and wrote a book of my experiences, and here it is, it’s for sales on Amazon but if it’s something you think you’d like to read for the first 100 people to send me an email I’ll send you a link you can have it for FREE

To your success



Here’s my email

FREE Book Here!!!! First 100 Only

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