Three Killer Strategies For Maximizing Traffic Flow

Hi there

This post its all about Links an absolute Key element in your internet marketing and SEO strategy (ok if it’s not at the moment it absolutely should be so read on and get started).

Its all about web 2.0 these days.  There are new web 2.0 sites coming out every day that you can use to drive mega traffic to your site.  In this post, I want to share with you three strategies for linking all of your web 2.0 sites together and whipping up a massive hurricane of traffic to your site!

The Link Wheel

A link wheel means a whole bunch of sites that all lead back to your main site.  This is the main strategy most marketers use.  First of all, it gets you lots of leads; you’ve got content on high traffic sites, and when people like it, they click your link to find out more.  The other benefit is that by having so many sites pointing back to your site, Google considers your site an authority. 

The Link Pyramid

Here’s a slightly more advanced technique.  The idea is to separate your links into three categories? High, mid and low grade links.  The lowest grade links point to the mid-grade links, which then point to the highest grade links, which point to your site.

For example, you’ve got an article on a directory.  The link in the resource box doest lead to your main site; it leads to your Squidoo lens.  The Squidoo lens leads to either your main site, or to an authority site.  An authority site is a high PR site with lots of links pointing to it.  If you don’t have any of these yet, you can have your mid-grade sites point to your main site.  But it’s well worth the time each day to hunt down a few high PR sites and incorporate them into your pyramid.

I know what you’re probably thinking? Don’t you want all your links to go straight to your site?  Won’t that mean more direct traffic?

It would, but you’re only thinking of the quick sale in the short-term.  When you want to create an authority website that maintains high traffic over the long-term, you’ve got to get the Google love.  A link pyramid helps you with this long-term strategy.

The Link Funnel

This is the craziest method of them all and many swear by it.  Instead of a pyramid, all of your links connect to each other in one long funnel that empties out at your site.  Put the lower quality links at the end of the tunnel, have them increase in quality as you move along through it, and blammo! At the end is your main site.

Try experimenting with these methods and see what kind of results you get.  No one strategy is best for all niches or all markets.  That’s the most important thing Get started building your web 2.0 campaigns and creating back links.  Then, monitor results and see what works.

This my friends is a very powerful method to grow your business, don’t delay get started now.

To your success


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