The Secrets to Getting FREE Traffic to your Site

Hi there now we all like something that’s free – right? Well these tips covering my FREE traffic generation strategies are certainly that but I tell you now they still require some work and input from you to make them happen, the old phrase “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” is still very true.

I’m going to be covering 3  vital areas  that will result in good, sustainable free traffic from your regular internet marketing activities. Don’t sweat any of this because its really not complicated at all, hey if it was we’d be struggling, so don’t get all worked up, what you need to focus on is taking these and the other steps I’ve identified in other blogposts and doing them regularly – yep that means daily and weekly depending which ones we are talking about.

Don’t Put It Off!

Now I just want to illustrate how important “doing tasks regularly” is. My wife and I have a portfolio of tenanted properties which we’ve developed over the last 11 years and because we didn’t want to be exposed in just one area we have properties in about 8 different areas.

So not only is that 8 areas, but about 12 letting agents, 14 local councils (and they all operate in different ways) we have to deal with and all the paperwork that goes with it- gas certificates, rental statements, leases etc but then making sure all the money comes in as well. So you can imagine there’s a fair pile of paperwork each and every month (talk about living in a paperless society – that’s just rubbish, I reckon its worse than ever!)

So in my home office there’s a bookshelf in the corner, post comes in, and if I’m busy I’ll add it to the already substantial pile – do you know what the last time I did filing I suddenly realised I hadn’t done any for over 3 months!!! can you believe that – no wonder the pile had got to the point where if I didn’t do something it would have fallen over.

But here’s the killer, I kept putting it off and then when I couldn’t put it off any longer it took me an entire Saturday to sort it out, worse still I suddenly found some rental cheques that I hadn’t paid into the bank and even worse I’d been chasing the managing agents for because I thought I’d never received them – how bad is that.

Now if as I always plan (but don’t get around to) I’d done it weekly, it would have taken not much time, my bank account would have been better off and I wouldn’t have spent a precious Saturday doing a very, very boring job. So listen up don’t cram undertake your internet marketing in a structured regular fashion – it pays dividends. OK so lets kick off  with my free traffic tips……

List Building

Developing a list is the long-term strategy for making money, and is undoubtedly the most important.  On your site, you allow people to join your mailing list.  Then, you send them newsletters that offer them valuable information and deals.  The point of doing a list is that you create a follower base of people who listen to what you say.  Then, when you offer them a product, they’re more likely to buy.

The main thing about list building is that, at first, you shouldn’t worry about monetizing it.  Just use it to get lots of subscribers and give them exclusive information or free give-aways.

Join Forums And Online Communities

All you need to get the word out on forums is time and nothing else at all.  Share what you know with people in these on line communities, and it will attract people to your site.  This is a form of free advertising that gets the word out to people interested in your niche.

Making posts or comments shows people that you’ve got expertise to share.  This helps to build your on line reputation as well as your site’s reputation.  When people see your site as an honest place where they can get valuable information, you’ll have an automatic follower/fan base.

Get Out There And Socialize

Finally, there are social networking sites.  If you’re not taking advantage of these, you’re really missing out.  Sites like Facebook and Twitter are some of the highest ranking on the web.  Get on these sites, make friends and build up your on line reputation.  This will get you crazy traffic without spending a dime over time.

I hope in this post we have covered in fairly basic terms how even if you’re new to the whole Internet marketing arena, what can be achieved without spending money but spending time, DIY is a vital part of the learning factor, so get learning, and on that thought …


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