The No.1 Internet Marketing Fact – “The Money’s In The List”

Hi there, making money from Internet marketing and information publishing in all its various forms is all about ‘back end’ sales; to achieve them you need a list of subscribers who trust you. But so many Internet marketers fail to understand how vital it is to firstly build a list and then ‘cherish’ it.

When I first started out we kept hearing “the money’s in the list!” – what’s all that about, but then the penny dropped when one very successful internet marketer took the time to explain it in layman’s terms, so my thought for today is ……

Do Build A List Of Subscribers & cherish them as your MOST VALUABLE business asset

In fact, building a good list of responsive subscribers is undoubtedly the single most important factor to your success in any on line business.

You’re going to hear this a lot, and this is one thing that is true across the board no matter which “big shot” Internet marketer you hear it from. . .


That is an out and out FACT. What you may not realize is that you don’t need a huge list to earn money. Nope. You can have a very small list of say 150 people, and that number is small in comparison to a “normal sized” “big hitter” list, but can still consistently see profits from it on a monthly basis. Numbers are good; quality is far, far better and more important.

Top Tip

A small list of real quality subscribers who trust & believe in you because you have proved the top-notch quality of material you supply will be maintained as a responsive, quality list. The Keyword here TRUST.

Back end sales come from loyal subscribers who’ve bought products from you, liked them and come back for more, & in some instances again & again – why? Because of trust and relationship you have built with them – you’ll be known to your list as an OK marketer to be trusted.

However, you do have to put some thought into how you “communicate” to your list and not be just sending out emails centered around advertising products all the time. It takes a bit of finesse, but once you get that down, you’ll see the results in the form of increased profits.

If you don’t already have a list, or plans to start one up, this is one thing you really need to take some time and do. You can create a list on just about anything and still get people to sign up, run a survey, offer a free report, the methods are endless.


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