The Internet Was Made For Dummies Like You & Me to Use

Hi There

Here’s my hints & tips about “HOW TO” do research properly

I hope now you are starting to see that by following a ‘blueprint’ of step by step checks and balances you can start to arrive nearer and nearer to establishing your goals

 Research Part I – TOP Online Research Tools

 Search activity what’s it like in your proposed market & what are people searching for, solutions and answers to what? What words or phrases do people type in to get the results they require? – Dig about a bit, play the detective.

In Google ideally you’re looking for 1500 –2000 searches a day in your market

Don’t panic if it falls short of this kind of numbers but just tread with caution.

Build a keyword list, which can certainly be useful for targeting and writing articles and content especially long tail keywords as well.

Hey “What’s a keyword list & what are long tail keywords?” don’t panic – next week’s broadcast will reveal all you need  – don’t miss out, I’ll remind you nearer the time that its coming.

Use Word tracker, personally I use the free one

Also – use Google – again their free one


Google sometimes move the link around for its keyword tool, so if its disappeared just search in Google. You may find you have to sign up for a Google adwords account but don’t panic its easy to do and then give you access – its a pain I know, but its just the way it is! 

Check out forums

Dig about a bit, are there questions being asked that you & your product could answer. Are there plenty of forums that are active with big memberships?

Top Tip – this suggests an active niche.

Build your authority status on the forum by commenting and being involved – get your name ‘in bedded’ in the niche-be recognised.

Search Online Newsletters

Think laterally are there online and possibly offline newsletters with again active memberships? If yes there could well be the opportunity to take out advertising or offer a copy of your product as a free review copy or even a joint venture with the newsletter publisher. Don’t discount all the possible marketing opportunities

Likewise if you believe yourself to be a bit of an ‘expert’ offer to write the odd article (providing a link to your blog, website in the by-line)

Competition in Google Adwords

Check out how many ads there are for your main keywords. Hopefully there should be a healthy amount – if only one or two again tread with caution.

Check out some of the ads see what products are being offered, at what price and the quality of information being offered


If you have a check through my blog you’ll find loads of other hints and tips on research – its absolutely key to your success – and don’t be lazy you need to do this and properly otherwise you’re just spinning wheels to get nowhere.

Until the next time

Remember I’m here to help, leave a comment, I’ll get back to you – Promise

PPS: don’t forget my membership site – click on the link below and sign up for FREE, loads of goodies you can use to help you get traffic – there’s FREE training, FREE tools and so much more it’s a real community which is what you need!

Owner:  Steps To Dot Com


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