The Importance of a Morning Success Ritual

What’s the first thing you do each day? You may not realize this, but it’s probably the most important thing you’ll do all day because it sets the tone of the many hours that come after.

Right now, you have a morning ritual. You probably don’t think about it. But by creating a morning ‘success’ ritual and sticking to it, you take control of this process. You know the expression ‘woke up on the wrong side of the bed?’ Your morning success ritual ensures that you wake up on the right side geared up and ready for a day of prosperity.

The Process of Creating Positivity

This is going to be a ritual. It’s more than just one thing like brushing your teeth or making coffee. It’s the way you conduct the first hour or so that you’re awake.

We all have things that put us into a positive frame of mind. You have to decide what these things are for yourself, but I’m going to share with you mine. These are:

– Positive visualization

– Meditation and stretching

– ‘Preparing for battle’ (What I like to call reviewing today’s business plan and getting ready)

– A diet for success

The way this routine started was that I found that meditating for ten minutes at the beginning of each day helped me get it started right. When you wake up, you may feel great or you may feel terrible; maybe because of how you slept, what happened yesterday, or who knows what else. Meditation got me in tune and got me balanced.

I’ve always used creative visualization to put myself into a positive mindset. I decided that adding a few minutes of visualization to my meditation routine helps me get started. And I kept adding new elements.

Some other elements you might use could be:

– Positive affirmations

– Yoga or exercise

– Jotting down a few things in a notebook, such as things you’re grateful for or things you want to achieve

– A review of your long-term success goals

– Music that gets you pumped up and ready for the day

– Replay a video, audio or webinar that inspires you

– Time to relax with a cup of coffee on the couch and look out the window, not thinking about your work at all

 Making the Change

I eased into my morning success ritual. You don’t want to create a strict morning routine and wear yourself out before your day has even begun. Start with just one element to incorporate into your morning. Once you get used to it, add the next. Or don’t add anything at all. You can keep yours short and simple if that’s how you like to do it.

Most people feel harried and busy in the mornings. The purpose of your morning success ritual should be to get you energized but it should also be relaxing. Don’t make it hard on yourself.

Waking up Early

If you’re the type who loves the snooze button, you may have trouble getting up in time to do your ritual. It often means adding time to your morning (but trust me – you’ll be glad you did it).

It’s much easier to wake up early if you go to bed early and make sure you get a restful night’s sleep. Doing something to wind down before you go to sleep is a good way to do this.

You can also change your alarm. Instead of an annoying alarm clock, wake up with some of your favourite music. There are also alarms that wake you up with light that mimics natural sunlight or sounds from nature.

The best way to wake up earlier is to think of something good the minute you wake up. If that doesn’t come naturally to you, write it down on a notepad and keep it beside the bed. Once you get into your morning success ritual, you’ll naturally wake up positive, looking forward to your routine.


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