The Harsh Reality of Your Past!

I’ve realised that loads of the stuff I’ve done, done courses on, tried to do all comes back to this – most of the principles for successful online marketing haven’t changed, some are as old as the hills – look at where so many of the really good only marketers and copywriters glean their ideas from – old marketing/advertising books.

Bit like fashion there nothing new –just different cuts using different fabrics in different combinations – blimey how often has the mini skirt been fashionable in my lifetime – a load!!

So although many of the principals are the same the method of delivery is different – take Facebook it hadn’t even started when I first got involved!

Your past will sap your future if you let it

What do I mean, look at it this way

Yea I tried that before and it didn’t work – so immediately that person is defeated by their past without even considering a way, possibly a new way or tweak to make it work

Did they ask for advice, did they ask someone to help them – or did they just give up – I think you know the answer!!! And that’s how your past kills your future stone dead

So what does that person do now – they go on to the next “new thing” – try it, it doesn’t work and that’s partly because their mind is conditioned even before they start to try half-heartedly – they are looking for confirmation that it won’t work – they want it subconsciously not to work – and surprise it doesn’t – so they can then say I tried it but I told you it wouldn’t work!!!!!

What a waste!!

The one thing that makes a difference is not giving up – i’ve had a silly situation today. Set up some facebook ads to run, got them approved but that little green light saying active didn’t come on – blimey it took ages and a lot of trail and error to work out what I need to do. Eventually i got there but you simply just have to keep going.

to your success


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