Hi There
When you’re establishing yourself in a niche its a vital component and important for you to understand buyer keywords, and the processes a buyer goes through online before they make a purchase.
You will, of course, want to target buyer keywords on your site, but you can also maximize your profits by targeting “researchers” with your keywords, and using links within these pages to lead these researchers to new areas of your site.
Because of the way in which “researchers” gradually become

“buyers” as they collect more information online, you can use various posts on your site – with links embedded in each post – to lead “researchers” through the process yourself, helping them to gradually become buyers through the posts you have posted!
Don’t STOP There!
And as you achieve success in one niche, realize that this is not the end of that niche’s profitability. For every profitable niche, there are several related niches that can also be profitable. Once you have a site that is up and running (and is achieving success), begin building other sites for related niches.
When you do this, you can use the original site to filter people to the related site as well – and you can continue building your network of interrelated sites until you reach a place where you are constantly boosting traffic – and profits – across all your sites!
Take on board this key phrase NOW!!!!!!!!!

And here’s my WHY for doing all of this and helping others!
Having spent 40 years in publishing, working long hours in a stressful business environment, making substantial money for various business owners the time is now for me to make my own income channels outside of my 9 – 5 role.
I’m at a stage in my life where I want to create a substantial income for the coming years to supplement a tiny pension fund, and security for my wife and my 2 children.
I want time and money freedom to enjoy my family, travelling and getting involved in other activities.I have witnessed first first hand the influence of the internet in our lives and in publishing especially– the future is clear – its online.
What’s changed
I hear you ask? – It’s about TAKING ACTION and doing it properly. Being mentored by the RIGHT people will help, so why not join me on my journey? I promise I’ll deliver my highs and lows whilst telling you about the tools and products that I’m using to get me to where I want to be ….. And that is TIME & MONEY FREE
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