Hi There
Welcome back and let’s move on to helping you to understand the research methods I use before even picking up a pencil to make a start on any project.
However before we go any further you really must understand 2 fundamentally essential facts.
Fact No.1 The time you spend on research is the MOST important & valuable element to the success or failure of your intended project. Therefore don’t try & skimp round it & short change yourself or the proposed project.
Proper research at best will mean Success to your project.
At worst its valuable time used to discover there’s no opportunity to be had
Either way what a RESULT!!
Fact No. 2 Never, ever run with an idea/project on the back of just one piece of positive research data.
Just don’t do it, don’t cut corners on your research ever!
I cannot emphasise this enough, research is all about checking, checking again, double-checking, triple checking etc etc – then and only then will you arrive at a balanced decision
Dopn’t whatever you do get “wedded” to an idea, concept or niche and then tyhink Oh I’ll just ignore what the research is telling me just this one time – you’ll fail and then you’ll kick yourself for wasting so much time and effort and possibly money
However there’s an exception to this which is “Vanity publishing” ie you’ve always wanted to get a story out there – I understand that, I done it – havinging been involved in property investing for nearly 20

years I wanted to recount my journey – good and bad which is exactly what I did – I found it a really great experience, I published it on Amazon and would you beleive it i’ve sold a few copies.
But here’s a thing – this is what I learnt:
- It got me into writing and editing and I became quite comfortable doing it – which has set me up for doing more.
- It proved that even in a big market the “How To” and “My Journey” stories really work.
3. But I’ll never make a fortune out of it.
in other posts I’ll document the tools I use– so sit back, grab a coffee & lets get through together, and as we are going through I suggest you have a browser open and just try my suggestions one by one, get comfortable with one, bookmark it & then move on.
I hope this information helps
Do leave a comment – we’d love to hear from you.
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Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com
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