Take Advantage of the Kindle Craze and Get Expert Author Status

I’m sure you’ve seen a Kindle device by now. You probably told your friends, ‘I don’t want to read books online; I like the old-fashioned paper kind.’ Then you saw how nice the screen looks (it doesn’t hurt your eyes at all) and how sleek and light the device is.

Our Kindle Story

Now for me I’ve already launched on Kindle, about seven weeks ago with a ‘How To’ book covering how to overcome alcohol abuse, go take a look please, click on the cover. Now I have a plan to launch a number of others as soon as I get some time.

My 1st ebook on Kindle

My next one will be covering my wife’s  & My 12 years in property investing here in the UK, a diary if you like and I reckon that will launch in about two weeks. Now within the first few weeks we’d sold a few copies, and that’s before I’ve really done very much marketing. But our anticipation is longer term, so having sold a few is a great start so far.

Kindle is awesome and it will definitely change the way people read. For you, the ‘Kindle Craze’ can help to turn you into an expert author. Once you’re the proud author of a series of highly informative titles in your niche, your products will sell themselves.

Creating Your Masterpiece

It all starts by creating an eBook. The same basic rules apply. Take a specific topic that your target marketing is dying to know about and create an informative, easy-to-read how to book on that topic.

It’s always good to check out the marketplace before you start writing. Have a look at Amazon and see what titles are hot in your niche. Look at those books so that you can give yours a unique slant no one else is taking.

Once it’s written, convert it to the format of your choice and upload it to Amazon. It’s really simple, but here are a few advanced tips to making it work for you.

Don’t Get Greedy

Kindle publishing is more about establishing your name than making money. However, you can make piles of cash publishing there. The way you do this is you flood your niche with titles. Pump them out and cover everything. Make yourself unavoidable to your target market.

The thing about Kindle publishing is that your books need to be priced cheaply. Look at all of the titles on Amazon for Kindle – even bestsellers are amazingly cheap. You want your helpful and valuable eBooks to be as well. That’s how you get sales and getting sales is how you get known.

Quality Matters

If you’ve published your own eBooks on your site, you’ve probably let a few things slide as far as grammar and spelling. With Kindle, don’t do that. Your writing needs to be professional quality. If you’re writing it yourself, consider having a professional editor or proofreader look at it.

Whatever you do, don’t patch together resell PLR and pass it off as a book. Lots of people have tried this already and it’s just basically scamming people. Not only is it unethical but nobody will bother checking out the URL to see more. Your books have to be good and really give people value.

One more thing NOT to do with Kindle is put affiliate links all over your titles. It’s against the rules and they bust people for it. Amazon has gotten pretty strict about quality and ethical standards, so be careful.

Tony Phelps


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