Hi there, creating a product to sell through your Internet marketing business can be terrific fun to absolutely scary and a whole myriad of emotions in between. Information publishing through intent marketing is a billion dollar industry and growing all the time. As Internet usage grows and developing countries come online Internet marketing will expand […]
Tag: information publishing
The Magic Of Micro Niche Sites
Hi there now today I want to cover a very neat method to get you into a niche, make some money and potentially get several set up and possibly actually grow as the niche itself becomes larger – read on & you’ll hopefully understand what I mean, it could be a ‘lightbulb’ moment for you!!!! […]
Google Places – The Yellow Pages For Your Internet Marketing Activities
Hi over the past few posts I have been covering some web resources you simply must be using and adding to your internet marketing arsenal to spread your business and you as a ‘brand’ across the internet. Its obvious really the more place your name crops up, the more people will get to know you & what you […]
How To Search For Keywords – The Basics
Ok I hear some of you saying “surely this is just for beginners – do I need to read this?” and I have to say possibly for some of you yes you’ll be right, scan it over quickly and move on. But for many of you just starting out keyword research is vital information so […]
Viral Marketing Success – Here’s $40 million Proof
Turning A Twitter App Into a $40 million Fortune Hi there I just want to share what I believe is a really inspirational story that caught my eye in a newspaper here in the UK some time back and really just illustrates why being online, using internet and viral marketing and all the hard work […]