Hi There
Many people love exercising whilst there are many who don’t – I have to say I fall into the latter category, it was only as I got older and working in an office not getting very much exercise and starting to put on weight that I thought “I need to do something here”. so, I started going to a gym – not my natural environment at all but it just had to be done.
The problem I’ve found with going to a gym is 2-fold –
1. I didn’t look forward to it and 2. Once you’ve missed a couple of sessions possibly for legitimate reasons it’s easier not to go than to go – Know what I mean? there’s many people who I’m sure this will resonate with.

But the putting on weight doesn’t go away and as you get older the old metabolism doesn’t work quite as well so it’s a double whammy hence I thought I need to get something going that I can’t get out of Home exercise and I can do as much or as little as I feel like at any one time- home exercise fits the bill.
I still go to the gym because I wasn’t prepared to shell out on loads of equipment-did that before, an exercise bike that just sat in a bedroom gathering dust!
So, there you have it – I went and continue to go through this process right now. No, it’s not all actually “home” jogging and running I do outside but you get my drift and the principal.
Read my eBook through see if it resonates with you and give it a go! It’s a really simple plan that literally anyone can do and achieve results – if you don’t try, you’ll never know – getting in shape now will help you as you start to get older as well!