Starting Your Profitable Self-Publishing Empire On Kindle

Ok following on with more web resources you really must be using here’s one that’s  but has grown massively in a really short time and I reckon will just get bigger & bigger.

Amazon’s Kindle is a great new tool for Internet Marketers and growing your brand.  You can launch a publishing empire all by yourself that millions of people can access.  This is an incredible opportunity for those of us who use ebooks and reports as our bread and butter. Literially you can do this from your kitchen table!

Kindle’s Real Power

In the last few years, the number of people reading books online has sky-rocketed.  Lots of folks believe that this is the future of reading, as we know it.

There are well over a million titles on Kindle and about 500 are added daily.In 2007 when it launched there were 88,000 ebooks so you can see the growth.  For easy download access, Amazon has created its Kindle marketplace where users can get books.  This is where your books should be.

Here’s a True Story

A 60-year-old self-publisher in the States a few year ago become the 7th publisher to sell a million copies of his crime and cowboy novels on Kindle in 1 year! Yes you read it right and that’s on a marketing platform that’s only been going since August 2007, read on ……

He did this by pricing his downloads at only 99 cents but even with that incredibly low price and after Kindle’s revenue cut he still netted over $330,000

And guys just consider this – what will happen when he writes another novel & releases it ? Its not rocket science, his exposure will no doubt ensure terrific sales moving forward – be interesting to see what price bracket he puts on the next one – I’ll keep you posted. Anyway lets move on to the opportunity for you

Why is this so cool for marketers? 

The main reason is that you’re putting your digital products directly onto Amazon, one of the biggest marketplaces in the world.  Amazon is your platform so there’s no need for a webpage; squeeze page or anything else at all.  Upload your book and it’s ready to be read.  It’s a dream come true for marketers.

Creating And Uploading Your Books

The first thing you need to do is open an Amazon account.  If you already have one, you can just add to it.  You can upload you books straight from Word; you don’t need to make them PDFs first.  The uploading process is simple and it walks you through step by step.  You upload your cover and title, and it also lets you write a short description.

It’ll also ask you for tags.  Choose some good keywords because this is how Kindle users will find it.  It also lets you set the price and royalty level.  If the price is over a dollar, you can get as much as 70% in royalties.

Oh – and before all of that, you have to write the book!  If you’re not a writer, you should hire someone else to do it.  Quality is important and since there’s no editor, you’ll need to make sure there aren’t any mistakes or typos.

Two Quick And Easy Content Options

One easy way around writing it is to use PLR.  But if you’re going to do that, make sure you make it totally original.  There was a news article about some marketer supposedly telling people to slap together ebooks with PLR and this led to a huge crackdown by Amazon.  They basically have a no-PLR rule.

You can still use PLR, but take the time to change it and make it original.  You really should do this anyway.  How would you feel if you bought a book and it turned out to be the same as another one you’d bought, just with a different cover?

Another option is to use public domain.  There are lots of public domain materials available that you can repackage and sell as your own.  Since these are already out there, you have to make it different somehow.  You can add a commentary or put several public domain texts into one new collection.

Tips On Making A Killing With Kindle

First of all, quality really matters with Kindle.  People are actually reading these books and if you give them crap, they’ll refund it.  Lots of Internet marketers have found this out the hard way.  You should also be aware that eventually Amazon will erase your books if they don’t meet their quality standards.  Publishing on Kindle is a long-term strategy, not something that’s get-rich-quick.

When you’re thinking of topics, you should pick something general in your niche.  This guarantees that people will start buying it.  Topics that are too obscure usually don’t sell so well.  .

Now, you’re not going to make a whole ton of money from one book.  The best strategy is to start your own publishing empire.  Pump those titles onto Kindle and then track the results.  People who make lots of money do so because they have lots of titles.

You can also use your Kindle books for lead generation.  Somewhere in your book, put a link to your site or the affiliate sites you’re promoting.  You can also offer special coupons in the book that they can use for your services.

Kindle is really hot now and it’s far from saturated.  Lots of marketers aren’t getting with the program, so it’ll really benefit you if YOU do!



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