Starting Out Online – Internet Marketing Newsletters What’s The Benefit?

Hi to you all, now this little tip I’m going to share today may sound really obvious, but bear with me. In the internet marketing and information publishing arenas newsletters and follow up emails are the key communication tools used by internet marketers to deliver both Internet marketing information and sales messages, don’t under value them, and take on board……

If You Are Getting A Free Newsletter That You Value At All do find the time to READ IT.

This one should go without any explanation, but I’ll give you one anyway that may just strike a chord with you.

I’m sure you are a subscriber to at least one good newsletter that deals with a subject you are interested to learn more about. If you aren’t, then my next question to you is WHY NOT? All right, I’m getting off the subject here . . ..

Now, if you ARE a subscriber to a newsletter that provides you with good, consistent information each time an issue is mailed out, prioritise your time to make sure you do actually read it. We have all fallen into the trap of ‘inbox full – mass unsubscribe’ just to clear it, but if you do it to a good one, you’ll will be kicking yourself later for this action.

Why? Well, because many newsletters will offer you some terrific free products or highly discounted prices on those items that cannot be given away snuck into some of these mailings. Why would you want to deny yourself your subscriber’s right to save money?

Educate Yourself for Free

Firstly, the information, if it is good, is FREE. It doesn’t cost you anything to educate yourself. I can see the point in trying to alleviate some of the “inbox clutter” you may receive, but, honestly, is the one newsletter that is providing you with solid content, or great free products, really worth you missing out on it by unsubscribing & clearing a bit of space?

Top Tip for “Nothing But Advertisements” Emails & Newsletters

Now, if you are subscribed to a bunch of “nothing but advertisements” emails, and lets face it we all have you could consider removing yourself but I generally don’t & here’s why, consider my top tip below.

Top Tip

We’ve all signed up various email alerts, etc & in some instances we get onto lists that sell, sell etc but we find its quite useful to set up a folder and put them in it, almost like a resource folder because its useful at times to check though it and get some ideas of how to or not to compile your own posts/emails and auto responders. You can always learn from others both good & bad.

You’d be amazed how some Internet marketing emails where the content is all sales but the headlines are absolutely brilliant. Put the ones that grab your attention and almost ‘force’ you to open them time & time again, (yep you know the ones I mean,) into a special folder because if it worked on you, chances are it has and continues to work on others – look and learn guys for free.


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