Get Productive Using My Top 5 Killer Creative Writing Tips

Here’s my Top 5 Creative Writing Tips

Hi and welcome back now today I want to give you my personal Top 5 Tips to help you overcome ‘writers block’, mentally stimulate you to get in the right frame of mind for writing, because I tell you now if your mind is not focused you’ll at best write an average article but at worst it will be rubbish & you’ll end up starting over – what a waste of time!

Tip 1 – Keep a Journal

One thing to do is to keep a journal or notebook with you each time you go out. Ideas are triggered by sense- sight, sound and smell. With a notepad close at hand, you can keep tabs of events, conversations, things you see etc that interest you, move you, as and when they occur. It then becomes much easier for you while writing to refer to these pieces you noted down previously. Remember, it takes just a single thing to trigger up a flood of events or memories like a song you hear, a person or sight you see. That’s how you start to write creatively – start talking about an event that happened/you saw and then relate it to the subject of your article.

Tip 2 – Combat Brain Freeze with creative Brain Time

Another important tip is to take time out and sort out the thoughts in your mind. When your mind is full of jumbled thoughts it becomes difficult to create new ideas. If something is bothering you it will hamper your flow of creativity so you need to address these things first and foremost before you can enter into the suitable mental state.

Consider your emotions when you sit to write – if you’re angry, it will show as an example or sad – try & get to a ‘chilled out’ place before starting to write. However sometimes your emotional state even anger can be used successfully but just make sure you use it in the right way.

If you notice that your effectiveness is less when your mood is negative, then make sure you wait until the right mental state before you start to write. Keeping focused is a key factor to curing a writer’s mental block.

Tip 3 – Get In the Right Mental Place

Our personalities are the main thing that sets us apart from others and this can be used very effectively in your writing consider this, if you have studied your personality close enough you’ll know how your mood alters at different times. You can understand why you feel the way you do at any given time. This helps you to use that mental state and its emotion in a creative way. Emotive writing can produce some excellent results in your article writing.

Being angry in the right circumstance and depending what you’re writing about can be very powerful as an example.

Tip 4 – Get Your Working Environment Comfortable

Your working environment can promote creativity or hamper it. For instance, if you are in a noisy environment that is full of distractions then you face the challenge of not concentrating fully and this will curtail your creativity. That is why many great writers go to places of serenity and calm where their creative juices are in top form. They love to be close to nature where inspiration comes to them easily.

Ok for most of us that’s not necessarily possible but consider it this way – you must find your own ‘perfect’ writing environment that’s the point. What makes it good for you?

So you have to discover for yourself the right environment that encourages your creativity so you can overcome any possible mental blocks you encounter. For me it’s generally either early morning or late at night, no phones, disruptions from my children and I can concentrate and with the door closed into my office as well – really important that.

Also my home office overlooks our garden, it’s a really nice vista and that certainly puts me in the mood for being creative

Tip 5 – Get Comfortable & Relaxed Before you start

Sometimes all you need to do is something relaxing that makes you feel motivated and inspired. Going out and having fun can be a sure escape from writers block. It is quite erroneous to force yourself to write when you are down in the dumps.

When you are writing articles, your mood when you wrote it will show through so if you want to inspire people you need to be in an inspired mood when you write – does that make sense. So go out and get relaxed and free your mind a bit then your creative side will be at its best.

I live near the sea so a relaxed walk along the beach, not too long though, gets me in the mood. Just find your own way. Don’t forget article writing and therefore marketing is a vital internet marketing strategy so you need to get comfortable with it – check out some of my other posts on my blog that cover article and copy writing.


Tony Phelps

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