SEO Blogging Tips for the Blogging Entrepreneur

Hi there now I make no excuses for visiting SEO again because if you want to become a blogging superstar you have to understand and practice SEO and do it well. And with thousands of new blogs and websites being launched each & every day without competent SEO you might as well call your online activities a day believe me

– so listen up and follow these simple tips …….

It’s Not a Foreign language

Search Engine Optimization is a foreign language for most bloggers. Those looking to be blogging entrepreneurs – those specifically looking to profit from blogging – need to utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) more than ever before. With the growth rate of the Internet, a blog is no longer unique in its field, which means it needs to compete with hundreds (if not thousands) of other blogs just like it.

Today’s Internet is using more methods to get traffic to websites that include paid advertising, social media and data management. To accommodate all of these new methods and new blogs, search engines are revamping the way they recognize websites. For the blogging entrepreneur, this means utilizing universal SEO versus the traditional methods.

Adding Substance to Your Blog

A successful blog needs to have real substance. Though the internet has been known to carry poor quality blogs stuffed with just enough of the right keywords to get search engine attention, times have certainly changed. Google’s Panda has now recognized these poor quality sites and booted them from their list, which means people who want a blog to be found need to actually fill it with quality material – not just babble surrounded by select keywords.

Content should not only have quality content surrounding keywords, but bloggers need to take advantage of “tags” and “categories” in the blogging platform. These will let search engines know what the blog post is actually about.

RSS Feeds

A lot of blogging entrepreneurs syndicate their blog simply by utilizing RSS feeds. RSS feeds can be managed and tracked easily through any XML-based file structure. Bloggers can then use applications such as or to alert when new blog posts are ready and available for reading.

Optimizing the Blog

From here it is all about optimizing a blog to its full potential. A blog, no matter what it is about, should be optimized in the following order:


Search Engines


This will give a blog a more professional appearance and prioritize a blogger’s specific needs. First at foremost, a site must be user-friendly. If a site is only developed for search engines to find (such as an SEO site with poor content), then the users will not use that blog and thus, income is unlikely. Therefore, utilize themes, pre-made templates and more to create a user-friendly blog that has easy navigation, clear format and font that is readable no matter the web browser or computer used.

Search engines come second

And should include select keywords as well as long tail keywords. When creating content, utilize H1, H2 and H3 tags in each post for using a primary keyword to attract more search engine attention. Keywords should also be placed in the blogging platform’s “tag” section as well.

Last is income.

A blog cannot make any revenue if it is focused on income only. Blogs should promote quality content, attract search engines and then showcase advertisement or pay-per-click applications. Though a blogging entrepreneur has a goal to make an income from a blog, the blog ultimately needs to entice readers to buy, click or take action on whatever it is the blog is trying to sell first.


Tony Phelps

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