Procrastination – It’s The devil You MUST Overcome

Hi There

Do you ever have those days when you just sit in front of the computer and can’t get started? Or even worse, you’re nowhere near the computer and you’re making up reasons why you shouldn’t work? That’s the greatest enemy of anyone who works for themselves – procrastination.

Procrastination is the enemy of marketers and freelancers because you have no time clock, no boss, and no obligation to work. You’re on your own and you’re only accountable to yourself. When the temptation to procrastinate strikes, the only line of defence is you.

Here are some ideas I’ve used before that have helped me overcome procrastination when it rears its ugly head.

  • Recognize Your Procrastination

A lot of times, we procrastinate without realizing it. For example, checking your email throughout the day may be a form of procrastination. Do you really need to check it every hour? I constantly organize my schedule as a form of procrastination.

These procrastination activities may be important tasks, but you’re still using them to put things off. Take a good look at all of your habits and ask yourself – Am I really just buying time? The first step is to know your enemy.

  • Consider Value

Whatever task you’ve got before you is going to bring you some kind of value. There’s a payoff, or otherwise you wouldn’t do it. When you’re procrastinating, you don’t realize that value. Your expectations of its outcome aren’t high enough to get you off the couch and get you started.

Take the task at hand and think about its results. What will happen when it’s completed? Visualize this as fully as you can, and I guarantee it will get you started.

  • Get up and Move

Sometimes you feel uninspired when you’re sitting in front of the computer. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels. A change of scenery can help. Get up and walk around. Go outside for a quick five-minute walk around the block. Do something active for a few minutes and then when you return to the computer, you’ll be more likely to get down to work.

One way to help with this is to belong to a Mastermind Group

The one I belong to has weekly webinars with set tasks to be under taken before the following week – otherwise you get called out and no one wants that do they??

So you get coached and not allowed to waste time and procrastinate – Job done!”!!

Cheers – until next time

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