Pay Per Click Advertising – Using Google AdWords

Hi there marketing your online business is vital and by using both paid for and free methods you get an effective mix of coverage, today I’m going over why you simply must be using Google Adwords and what every beginner needs to know ….

Get Your Sale Message Across Effectively

The basic idea behind all advertising is to put your message in front of as many people as possible at the lowest cost, but even better is if you can combine that with getting to highly targeted people who you know will be interested in your product.

The best option for making this happen is to use pay per click advertising.  Pay per click (PPC as its known in the trade) ads do more than just generate traffic to your site; it’s your shop window to targeted consumers who have a need to satisfy therefore it’s easier to make a profit.

The most popular medium for pay per click advertisements is Google AdWords.  Google being the gorilla of search engines ensures your ads receive the widest exposure on the web. But don’t overlook the other search engines who also have PPC ad packages and strategies, but for ease I’m just covering the principals of Google Adwords and PPC advertising in general.

Here’s why Google Adwords Blew My Socks Off!

Ok I’ve spent my entire working life in publishing and advertising, and yea I did my fair share of “door knocking selling space” to local busineses and retailers. But I tell you what, the hardest bit was going back the week after their ad had been published to make sure they were happy with it but also to re-book them in.

Then the dreaded question – “how was response?” You could tell just by the look on their face, body language whether you stood a chance of a re-book-often than not it was “No”. And you know why in many instances response was poor? Because the chances of ‘targeted’ response in a general publication is pretty low!

By targeted I mean readers who actually saw the ad for “New Levi Jeans”, who wanted a pair, where going shopping that weekend and could be bothered to visit the shop. Now this is where it gets really exciting – with Google Adwords you can put your message directly in front of people who are ACTIVELY searching for your product right now, & if you get your keyword research right you’ll only get ‘targeted’ traffic to your ad so & here’s the real icing on the cake moment – you’re only paying for targeted traffic cutting out all the wastage that you’d get with traditional advertising – now do you see why it Blew My Socks Off.

Google Adwords and for that matter other search engine PPC ads have absolutely revolutionised the ad industry worldwide & in turn made the search engines extremely powerful & Profitable. Traditional advertising will NEVER, EVER be the same again.

Listen Up Because This Principal is the Golden Key to your Success Door

I kid you not, the internet getting targeted traffic (through a number of means including PPC advertising) means you & I, the little guys can with a bit of work, develop & grow a hugely profitable business online with low overheads & high profit margins – that’s what gives me a buzz when we talk about Google Adwords!

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Tony Phelps


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