My Top Tips on Managing Multiple Websites

It’s hard to make sufficient money on just one website. Most successful Internet marketers create a bunch of sites and have multiple income streams. Another advantage is that you’re not putting all of your eggs in one basket. If one site tanks, you’ve still got the rest to keep you afloat.

Managing multiple websites isn’t easy though, so here are some tips on making it work.

Certainly for me that’s what I’m tryingto do. Not only do we want to  have multiple sites but they are spread across numerous different niches as well.

Start with Just One

First of all, I’d be the last person in the world to advocate starting a bunch at once. Create just one website and get it up and running before you start the next. Set your own goal and wait until you’ve reached that goal before you start another one. For example, your goal might be to make your first ten sales. You need to be comfortable with that first one before you start building more.

One Content Management System

The same goes with content management systems. Choose one that you like before you start your first site and use it for all the rest. This will save you lots of time and make it much easier to manage all of them. It’ll also be easier on your help if you decide to outsource in the future.

One Hosting Service

And yes, the same goes for your hosting service. Put all of your sites under one hosting service and under one plan. Some folks say that it’s good to spread your sites out with different hosting companies to minimize risk. I say this is a logistical nightmare and you should choose one company that isn’t risky. Most hosting services also offer all kinds of tools especially designed for managing multiple sites.

Work out a Schedule

The best advice I can give about running multiple sites is to schedule time for each site each day. Create a schedule where you’re working on one site at a time, and when that time slot is finished, you’re done with it for the day. You don’t want to create a situation where you have to keep checking back on one site. You’ll feel like you’re never finished.

Get Some Help

Pretty much everyone who runs multiple sites outsources some of the routine tasks of running them. Once a site is up and running, you can hire a virtual assistant to handle most of the day-to-day stuff. This frees you up to pursue other things, like building more sites to give you more income streams. You can also automate much of what you have to do with your sites. Look for plugins that let you automate content. Automation is a true lifesaver.

There’s really no limit to how many sites you can run successfully as long as you plan well and stay organized. I just want to stress it again – no matter how eager you are to launch your web empire, slow it down. Stick with just one site at a time until you can let them run on their own. Starting a bunch at once is a really common mistake and you’ll quickly overwhelm yourself if you make it.

To your success



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