My Top Tips On Building A Relationship With Your List

When it comes to effective email marketing, getting them to sign up is only the beginning.  If you’ve got a list of thousands who don’t buy from you, it’s meaningless.  That’s why it’s so important to build a good relationship with your list.  If you can do this, they’ll buy from you each time you make an offer, and you won’t have to push your products on them.  They’ll buy for sure.

Certainly  I  spend more time crafting our messages and offers to our list, its just so important for everyone these days to build relationships, after all we all receive so many emails these days just getting to the ones you want to read can be a time consuming task – so you need your communications to stand out, be valued and most importantly get read.

Keep In Touch

First of all, you’ve got to keep in touch with your list.  You shouldn’t email them only when you’ve got an offer.  This makes it look like you don’t value them.  Instead, you want to send them enough emails with valuable information for them so that they see you as an information provider and not just a salesperson.

Be An Authority

You build a good list that buys from you by building credibility.  This means that you establish your authority in your niche.  To do this, you should use your emails to provide info or point them in the direction of the info.  Think of it this way – they’re busy and they don’t have time to surf the web finding out the latest news about your niche.  You do this for them, and it shows that you know what’s going on.

Ask What They Want

One purpose of lists that we often overlook is information gathering.  Don’t be afraid to ask your list’s opinions on things.  This provides you with information but it also shows them that you care about what they think.  Encourage them to share their opinions and it will solidify your relationship with them.

More Freebies

You pretty much have to offer a freebie to get people on your list.  Once you do that, you should keep the freebies coming.  It’s a small investment for you to make that will keep them loving you.  Give them things that are free and exclusive to list members only, and make sure they’re high quality.

Be Yourself

It’s the human touch that makes them buy from you and not your competitors.  Too many lists have emails that are stale and impersonal.  You want to appear professional and credible, but you also need to show your human side.  It’s okay to write personal stuff in your emails and let your personality come through.  It helps in branding you and builds trust as they feel like they get to know you.

Make Their Lives Better

Finally, the aim of everything you send them – whether links to your blog posts, freebies, or offers for affiliate products – should be aimed at making their lives better.  Find out who your list members are and what they need; then, offer it to them.  Again, this brands you as their friend and trusted source of information, and not as a salesperson trying to make a buck off of them.

To your ongoing success


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