My Top Tips For Using Article Directories

Article Directories & why use them

The most used technique in article marketing and certainly our preferred method is the promotion of articles through submission to a list of top 10 to 15 article directories. These directories have high traffic levels and are very popular with the search engines.

You’re  Unique – Use It In Your Writing

Quality and unique content is always in demand by webmasters who troll through article directories extracting the content they require. That means your content with your resource box includes your links) can effectively be used and therefore be pointing back to your own site, all over the net.

The absolute key to success using article directories is the quality of the content you deliver. The top directories will not approve duplicate, poorly written (spelling & grammar) or keyword stuffed articles. Also what’s the point because if your articles are poor quality other webmasters will not use them, you’ll soon get a reputation for poor articles and that my friends totally defeats the whole reason your doing article marketing in the first place.

Get Your Technique Right

Article marketing is indeed a technique, which is used by Internet marketers to maintain relevance and targeting on the Internet. There is a lot of competition with hundreds of website owners trying to woo web surfers to their pages, with quality unique content will differentiate you from the crowd. A niche with millions of competing websites can easily discourage any newcomer from trying to cut in but with effective well thought through marketing including article marketing can and does make all the difference.

What’s Best – Volume or Quality

There is a debate over which approach has better results for your marketing efforts. The first approach is writing a lot of articles and submitting it to article directories.

The idea behind this method is that if you write 10-15 articles very regularly and submit in volume frequently but not worry too much over the quality.

The other approach is to concentrate less on multiple articles and to put that effort into constructing high quality articles that you can then submit to several article directories. The logic behind this other method is that high quality articles easily goes viral and gains more traffic and back links in the long run.

Both methods can and do work, for us we favour the latter, that quality will win out especially over time, bear in mind articles sit on directories and websites archives for years therefore over time the better the quality the more likely they will still be picked up & used over the longer term creating more and more back links to your site.

Tell us what you think, what works for you, have you found a spinner that is really spot on, we’d like to know, until next time.



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