My Top Tips For Outsourcing Article Writing

Hello, now writing articles puts fear into many Internet marketers and online entrepreneurs especially when you’re first starting out and the mental phrase that Ive seen on people’s faces at Internet marketing seminars is “I can’t do that”. But for many they let that totally rule them without even trying so first off I recommend you really do have a go – lets be honest there’s much out there on the net that is ‘not great’ so with some thought and planning most of us can and will do better – just give it a sustained try.

Quality Is However The Key

The kind of content your article carries is a true reflection of the website you own. If your content is good it makes your site good and vice versa. Writing quality articles is the hallmark of a successful Webmaster. However I accept that writing does not come naturally to everyone and should not stop anyone from developing a great website and therefore online business. This is where the need to outsource at least some of your writing comes in.

Don’t Give Up – Choose To Outsource

All over the globe there are writers you can reach to provide articles for you at very affordable prices.  Many thousands of professional writers have their details and biographies on the web and through specialist outsourcing sites like Contact these days is easy   through phone (Skype) or email.

What makes the website good is essentially the content. Well-written content that captivates the reader will bring him back or even encourage him to refer others. It doesn’t end there, visitors need to become customers to buy your   products or services, and the number of visitors or traffic to your site is what makes it successful that’s an obvious point.

So how does good content and great articles get you traffic?

Your content must contain relevant keywords or keyword phrases, that’s what means it’s likely to get a top listing in search engines. This is because search engines rely on the keyword and keyword phrases of a site to rank it in their results list. However it is wrong to assume that because keywords will help your ranking you should stuff the entire article with keywords. Search engines also filter out that abuse; your articles need to be well written and should incorporate the keyword and keyword phrases in a way that is readable and natural as if you were speaking it – it must flow.

Also its all about ‘Relevance’ – getting traffic is good but you need targeted traffic after all there’s no point in driving classic car buyers to a health site is there? Ok example is a bit extreme but you get my point.

So What’s The Benefits of Outsourcing?

Ok so you’re considering outsourcing your articles because you may not be able to write content that you believe is suitable for the web, again I still believe give it a go yourself but by using professional web content writers that are expert at writing web content you do give yourself a helping hand up the content ladder no doubt.

Writers like this can be regarded as experts in their style of writing and can actually benefit your website greatly whilst hopefully getting your site to a coveted spot in the search engine rankings.

One other benefit of employing the service of professional content writers is that the articles they produce for you should be content and keyword rich and so spread virally over the internet in a short period of time. Naturally these articles will have your website link in the resource box, then you will start to get a lot of back links pointing towards your website. This will definitely increase your site’s ranking.

Ok But How Much Does It All Cost?

The fees these writers charge vary greatly. Many writers charge based on different factors like experience, quality, reputation and so on. Young or upcoming writers will definitely not charge as much as the older experienced writers, unless they are extremely good. Ass with all things its best to shop around, I use a number of writers and pay around $15 an article or sometimes if I need a number I’ll do a deal getting 10 for $100 so that my friends give you some kind of benchmark to get you started.

Top Tip

Find a writer you get on with, price is good and delivers on time with top quality content – cherish them and build a long-term relationship. That’s what I have done and it’s paid off big time. Visit some of my other posts covering article marketing and copy writing for other tips and advice about outsourcing.

Finally …..

I still recommend you write some of your own content but do as I do, write some, outsource some and when I get back the outsourced articles I then put my own individual spin on it as well.



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