My Top Three Mistakes When Deciding on a Niche


Hi There

Many of us who are active on;line tend to try and establish ourselves in Niche markets – but which ones i hear you ask and that’s really the important question. because you might love a subject but ultimately find that no one else or not enough people do to make it a viable niche and after all that’s what you want – people to be interested enough to buy your product

Common Mistakes Made in Researching Your Niche

As you are now ready to begin your research on the niche markets that you have chosen it’s now time to make sure that you avoid the pitfalls of many people who are at this stage fall into. Picking the wrong niche because of faulty research methods can really leave a hole in your pocket at this stage. Here are some of the more common research mistakes that are made.

Too Broad

The first mistake a lot of people make is making their chosen niche too broad. If you take the niche of cars for example you will need to dig deeper than that niche of cars to get down to the real niche. Examples of sub niches here would be vintage cars or devoting a site to a particular brand of car. The key to success is to be as specific as possible. If you were to base your research solely on cars you might think that there are thousands of people in your niche but when you look at it further you will find that there is no chance of these people going to your site about say, Yogis!

Inadequate research

Another mistake that people make at this stage is not spending enough time collecting data at this point. Spending the time in research now can benefit you later on by not spending that time at a later date wondering where things went wrong. Normally there is a shortfall in the data that is analyzed as the marketer

has not looked careful enough through all the words and phrases. You can actually miss half this picture of what is going on by making omissions like this. It’s important here not get emotional during your research as it’s very easy for your emotions to effect the data you are collecting.

Don’t Just Go With Your heart

There is no doubt that it’s exciting to be in an online business but you need to avoid getting emotionally involved so you don’t end up looking at your data later on and wondering where it all went wrong and why your business isn’t working.

It’s also advisable to watch out for and avoid hype online as much as you can. For example if you think the dogwood scented candles are a really big thing online and you then see one site that sells them that claims that they are a best seller, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are .Remember that staying impartial online and detached will provide you with your best chance of success.

We all make mistakes, I’ve made loads but I try not to repeat them and also learn from them as well

To your success

If I can help just drop me an email



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