Hi There
This page is devoted to my digital publishing activities and will be up-dated on a regular basis:
My activity covers two areas:
Digital Publishing
My digital Publishing on platforms such as Kindle, Smashwords, Sony Reader, Apple etc. I started this a few weeks ago with my book on Alcohol Abuse

This book covers the tell tale signs of alcohol addiction whether it be in yourself or others near or dear to you, and then suggests how by seeking the correct help & support sufferers can combat the addiction returning to a normal and un- addicted life over time.
Alcohol addiction builds progressively during periods of frequent, heavy use of alcohol- more often than not with the intention of becoming intoxicated or ”drunk”. The root causes can be complex and are often related to trauma and depression and frequently leads to fully blown alcoholism.
Alcoholism is defined as excessive and uncontrollable consumption of alcohol, usually accompanied by physical and psychological dependence upon the drug. It is distinct from alcohol abuse in the characteristic refusal of its sufferers to change their behaviour based on the consequences of their drinking and subsequent behaviour. Whereas an abuser of alcohol might experience some adverse effects following heavy intoxication, they are unlikely to continue drinking heavily in the short term. An alcohol addict, on the other hand, will often ignore the repercussions drinking has on their physical health, work and family life and continue drinking!
As with all addictions the first step is to recognise & accept there is a problem and then seek the appropriate course of treatment to beat the addiction. But the starting point is a desire for change.
Click on the cover and it will take you straight to the book on Kindle
Digital Ebook No.2 Released on Kindle and the Smashwords Publishing Platform!
As Many of you will know one of our passions is property investing here in the UK, somwthing we’ve been doing for over 12 years now. So this book is a blow by blow account of our experiences in Property
The Diaries of a Serial Property Investor
The Reality of Property Investment and How You Might Retire a Millionaire if you’re Lucky!

This book covers our journey through property investing and the buy-to-let market in the UK. I’ll tell you why we started, how we nearly stopped, the highs, lows and absolutely terrible periods but most importantly what we’ve achieved.
Nearly twelve years down the road, we’ve experienced an interesting time with our property investments and as you’ll discover when you read further, it’s certainly not all been a bed of roses. In fact there have been times when I’ve felt like selling up and walking away.
But even after tenants dying, houses being trashed, boilers stolen along with all the copper pipe work, agents going bust, threatening phone calls and more – I love the property business I keep coming back for more, it’s an adrenaline rush.
We are not property gurus, this is not a “How To” become a property investor hyped up manual covering strategies to follow, no money down deals and creative purchasing but a “warts and all” diary of our activities that might be interesting for would-be investors or those amateur investors looking to grow their portfolios.
And our Top Tips located at the end of the book might offer some really useful pointers of how to be successful in property and how not to lose your shirt.