My ‘Must Have’ Self Publishing Tactics For Using Kindle

How’s it going?  I really hope you’ve had the time to check out Kindle and get your head round just how easy it is to get started self-publishing. But a word of warning here and a heads up – Kindle demand original content and its very unwise to try & fool them because you’ll get cut off at the knees if you do – so my advice just don’t do it.

Getting Started

Ok I know what’s going through your mind – “I cant write, I don’t know where to start, what do I do etc” Ok now don’t panic because I’m going to show you a really easy and cheap way to get your own content that’s totally original.

Here’s How Easy It Can Be

One easy way around writing it is to use PLR.  But if you’re going to do that, make sure you make it totally original.  There was a news article about some marketer supposedly telling people to slap together ebooks with PLR and this led to a huge crackdown by Amazon.  They basically have a no-PLR rule.

You can still use PLR, but take the time to change it and make it original.  You really should do this anyway.  How would you feel if you bought a book and it turned out to be the same as another one you’d bought, just with a different cover?

Another option is to use public domain.  There are lots of public domain materials available that you can repackage and sell as your own.  Since these are already out there, you have to make it different somehow.  You can add a commentary or put several public domain texts into one new collection.


Tips On Making A Killing With Kindle

First of all, quality really matters with Kindle.  People are actually reading these books and if you give them crap, they’ll refund it.  Lots of Internet marketers have found this out the hard way.  You should also be aware that eventually Amazon will erase your books if they don’t meet their quality standards.  Publishing on Kindle is a long-term strategy, not something that’s get-rich-quick.

When you’re thinking of topics, you should pick something general in your niche.  This guarantees that people will start buying it.  Topics that are too obscure usually don’t sell so well.

Be Realistic

Now, you’re not going to make a whole ton of money from one book.  The best strategy is to start your own publishing empire.  Pump those titles onto Kindle and then track the results.  People who make lots of money do so because they have lots of titles.

You can also use your Kindle books for lead generation.  Somewhere in your book, put a link to your site or the affiliate sites you’re promoting.  You can also offer special coupons in the book that they can use for your services.

Kindle is really hot now and it’s far from saturated.  Lots of marketers aren’t getting with the program, so it’ll really benefit you if YOU do!

That’s it for Kindle.  Get some books published and see for yourself how powerful this tool is.

Till next time!



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