Membership Is About Belonging Right?


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Today’s topic is membership sites. This is a really tricky area for Internet marketers. Lots of people I know have started them and then failed to make them profitable.

Membership Is About Belonging to A Community

If you’re selling info products or affiliate products, you get paid whenever someone buys. If you build a good membership site and fill it full of members, you get money from them every month. Even if it’s only a couple of bucks to subscribe, that couple of bucks can really add up for you.

The cool thing about membership sites is that they hardly cost you anything at all to run. You need to pay for the software and hosting, and that’s it. Once you get it set up, your site is password protected so that they can only access your content if they’ve paid.

Here’s my membership site – check it out for FREE

Don’t forget when you join my membership site its totally FREE – Yes I mean it totally FREE and you get all these benefits as well

FREE coaching, FREE tools, FREE video tutorials, FREE video creation software go here now, click on the arrows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

How to Make a Membership Site Work

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, there’s more to running a successful membership site than most people realize. If you’re not willing to babysit it and take care of it, it’s going to fail miserably.

The first step is to find a really good target market. This market has to be especially laser-targeted. They have to really want what you’re offering in order to pay for it month after month. It’s not like a one-shot info product.

The other cornerstone of a membership site is amazingly good content. Again, your blog or website can offer pretty good stuff, but the content on your membership site has to be killer. You’ve got to have them coming back for more. That’s the real challenge. You’ve got to up the ante on everything.

There’s an endless amount of tech stuff (remember the babysitting) and it’s important to have someone who can handle it on short notice. If you’re a techie wizard, you can handle it yourself. If not, you might need to invest in a virtual assistant. If the site crashes for some reason, you need to fix it fast.

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