Make “Crazy” Work For You!

Unexpected Ideas

The best ideas come from the strangest places where you wouldn’t expect to find them. You probably look at blogs and forums when you need ideas, but I’m going to suggest a few more radical measures.

One of the things that has worked best for me is to take a normal idea that makes sense and turn it backwards. Take a regular, common sense idea and argue the exact opposite. This tip is dynamite when you’re writing articles. You’re guaranteed to write something original

Another great way to get ideas is to ask somebody who knows absolutely nothing about it. Ask your kids what to name your website. Ask your grandma how she’d drive traffic to a site. Talk to some random strange who knows nothing about Facebook and have them suggest ideas for building your brand.

Get Crazy and Don’t Worry

When you’re brainstorming, don’t think about the ideas you’re coming up with. You have to get into a kind of Zen state of mind where the ideas are just flowing. NEVER look at something you just wrote down and go, ‘That’s silly.’ Just get down as much as possible and don’t pass judgment on it.

Later on when you look at your list, the ones you thought sucked will be the best. The ones you thought were really hot will turn out to be the worst. You’ve got to separate your brainstorming mind from your considering ideas mind.

Of course, you should also keep track of all the times you regularly get good ideas. I mentioned walking before. When you need ideas, go for a walk and bring a notebook. Find those times and places, and use them when you need them.

That’s it for brainstorming. It’s seriously one of my favourite topics.



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