Make Article marketing Work For Your Internet marketing Activity

Hi there  I am a great believers in the power of article marketing and the results that come from it, ok its not over night success but if you are planning to build a sustainable business on the net which I certainly hope you are then don’t just think short term consider the longer term benefits of article marketing as well – here’s an example one article I wrote in 2007 has had over 6,000 views just on one directory, my articles since 2007 on Ezinarticles alone have received over 60,000 views – now that’s promotion in anyone’s language.

Generating Traffic & Valuable Links Globally

Articles are a great way to generate traffic and also increase the number of inbound links pointing to your website. How this is done would be explained to you shortly.

When you write articles on your topic of interest, the next thing you need to do is to submit it to the article directories. These free directories accept articles and publish them on their own site. Readers who read your article and are interested in your topic may choose to click on the link and pay you (your website) a visit.

Besides enjoying visitors from free content sites, your article may be syndicated and used as material on other websites. Naturally the most important condition of syndication of content from the directories to keep the resource box which is where you links appear intact therefore its quite realistic as I’ve illustrated above with my own stats that your article could over time appear all over the net  – wait till I tell you the subject matter of my top article is – a snowboarding jacket, yep I kid you not so its perfectly reasonable to assume (and I could check if I wanted to) just how many other sites are featuring that article -= amazing don’t you think ?

 Viral marketing At Its Best

As the list of your published articles grow in number, and a lot more of them are appearing on different websites, the total number of back links to your site will increase also. Major search engines place a lot of significance on incoming links to websites as basis for determining the importance of a certain site.

With more links pointing to your website, the higher your search engine position will be. Therefore, if you are promoting goods or services via your website, visitors could become potential customers for you. Even if these visitors are only browsing through, they may like your article and bookmark it for future reference, therefore you as author become a ‘known name’ on the net and certainly in specific niches – for profiling its great marketing but it does take time as I’ve illustrated.

Pre-Sell To Your Market

The useful thing about articles as a means to attract free traffic to your website is that it helps to persuade an undecided buyer to make a purchase after reading your article. Articles could serve, as a form of pre-sell to would be buyers who have not decided whether or not it is a good idea to make a purchase. Your articles should and will if properly constructed build trust with your reader – and remember the old adage “People buy people first”

Search Engines Love Content

Search engines do more than index websites; they also index individual pages including individual articles published. When someone searches for that particular topic, the list of results that come up will include your site hopefully so it stands to reason with correct keyword usage and volume articles published you could very quickly rank highly on the search engines for even very competitive terms as an example one of my sites appears on the front page of Google, position 8 for a search term that has 68 million competing pages – and that my friend has happened over a period of 5 months! That’s the power of article marketing.

Webmasters that can write are leveraging on articles to bring their websites to prominence. They are using articles to increase their inbound links which in return will increase their website ranking. For those who have poor writing abilities or just no time, they are outsourcing their articles. For our part we do both, I write some, outsource some just really to get the volume and personalise some of those that are written for us just to keep the style. Yes there’s a cost but nothing-ventured nothing gain as they say.

Solve That Problem – “How To”- Always favourite

Articles that focus on solving problems, helping provide solutions are extremely popular and in whatever niche you’re in there’s bound to be people search for that kind of information – its also the most straightforward to write as well. Also by offering up solutions you start to become recognised as an expert, and that will really pay off over time.

For those who are adept at writing this is even easier. Putting together a quality article should not take you more than hour and a half but it does depend on how organised you are and having done whatever research is needed before hand.

Quality over Quantity Always

But a word of advice here and its one that’s backed up by all well known and highly successful article marketers – its not volume you want but quantity. Don’t ever short cut on quality  (believe me I’ve done it when I outsourced some articles years ago, not very well written but I thought no worries it will be alright – well if I look at the stats those article have bombed big style) so take heed and produce top notch material always.


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