Hi There
My children used to get so fed up with me when they were young I used to say don’t ever say “it’s not my fault” when something went wrong, they were late for school and some other calamity befell them
I absolutely hate that phrase because it’s so over used and in many instances it’s just plain wrong anyway. I just hate it when I see people being what I call “victims” and this is what I mean by that they are victims to themselves because they don’t take control of their own lives and destinies – wandering through life blaming other people/situations for your own shortcomings is just plain stupid and wrong.
Everything in your life is of your own making – YOU can change YOUR Life – don’t expect
others to do it for you
I clearly remember my daughter at about 16 was running late for school because she’d over slept, that made me late as I was going to have to take her to the station and when she said “it’s not my fault” I went spare – “yes it is, you didn’t get up when you should, it’s your fault because you turned your alarm off and went back to sleep” it’s certainly not mine – she didn’t like it but …….
Now at 25 working for an app and managing 20 people I hear her comment about other people she works with and can just see that what I drummed into her and my son has paid off – they are in control and both taking responsibility for their own lives, careers and responsibilities – wow that mega for me!!!!
Its Funny how as you get older much of what your parent’s said comes True!!!!
to your success
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