Is That Steam Train of Failure Heading Your Way?


 Don’t Get Comfortable with Failure

It’s all about consistent work on your business and that means sensible and accurate time management. And above all stick with it even when it gets tough and you become down, demotivated and consider throwing in the towel.

Don’t Fool Yourself

Ah I here you say “that’s not me, I’m not like that” – right here’s your wake up call, you might not think you’re like that but at 3am, when you’ve had a hard day, problems with your pc, can’t seem to get focused on that blogpost  you need to write & get up there, you’ve not had a comment to any of your posts for weeks and then your pc crashes for the fifth time – it will be you, believe me.

Here’s a Story for You ….

Let me tell you a story, when I started investing in property in the UK, we bought one or two, things were going ok, then we wanted to buy a few more, which we did. Then all of a sudden the company we used to manage and renovate them suddenly went bust!

Not only were we not getting any rents but we’d just paid them up front for two refurbishments – so screwed on two fronts – very scary, scary times I can tell you. I spent many late nights, early mornings with calculator and pen in hand trying to work out how to pay the bills & thinking blimey I wished I’d never bought property, I just want to turn back the clock & not have this nightmare!

But we stuck with it (had no choice actually with mortgages to pay), sorted out the mess, got new agents, got really hands on and got stable. That’s 14 years ago now, every year, every month I learn a little bit more about running a property portfolio, we’ve learnt, grown and invested back in & have now built our portfolio.

Now I know some of you will say, “oh well had money to start with-so it’s easy”. Well yes we put in a couple of years bonuses but not much. Most is borrowed, because in those days there were plenty of lenders to choose from. The real morals of this little story are…..

Here’s My  4 Morals of Success

1} Don’t Give Up – No Matter what comes in your way

2} Learn as much about your area of business, your niche as you can – that’s valuable real estate. Knowledge is real power – believe it

3} Understand & accept it takes time, build strong foundations first then grow the rest knowing because of those foundations, you can weather the odd storm along the way.

4} Enjoy the Journey, I did with our property portfolio, still do, I get a real rush when one of our agents calls me with a possible deal, going through the numbers,seeing where we can obtain finance etc. my buddies joke about it but I feel flattered when they are intrigued by what we do and then ask my advice when they in turn want to buy a property.

So what has all this got to do with Internet Marketing I hear you ask?

Sorry if I’ve wandered off the subject a bit but I just wanted to give as bit of a reality check, because it’s so easy to get started, shoot off doing loads of work, and then NOTHING HAPPENS.

I tell you that are like being hit by a steam train. It’s just like at work during your day job, you’ve been working on a new project, loads of work, and then it crashes and burns. Your bosses are frustrated, you and your colleagues are disappointed but there’s one big difference that’s your boss’s time and money gone down the river.

But when it’s your own business you’re trying to create, it’s your time and money you’ve put in, it’s your dreams on the line, it’s a whole new ballgame.

So go back and re-read my 4 morals of success, understand them, possibly re write them in your own words and then print them off & stick on a wall near where you do your internet marketing activity – I hope that when you see that steam train coming towards you, you’ll glance at the 4 morals and be able to divert it down a different track.

Please leave me a comment, I’d love to hear from you – tell me your story

cheers till next time



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