Interviews – An Excellent Shortcut to Content Creation

As a marketer you need a constant stream of fresh content and it needs to be good.

You need to either be a prolific expert author or pay a fair amount of money to a ghost-writer to do it for you (and they have to be good). One awesome alternative that gets you great content with little cost or effort is to interview people.

Now Sam & I have done this a few times the most in depth one we’ve done was with Neil Stafford, a UK based very successful online marketer. In fact you can download our interview with him right now, just enter your email address above and you’ll have immediate access – even though I say so myself it’s an interview packed with really useful information.

The Benefits of Interviews

Read on …..

Interviews are great because the allow you to create content quickly and easily. You don’t have to write an entire article. All you need to do is come up with a list of questions and know how to keep a conversation going. If you’ve chosen a good interviewee, they’ll discuss each question and give you more than enough content to work with.

There’s another benefit most folks don’t realize. Whenever you interview someone, you’re basically forming a partnership with them. Their followers will want to hear the interview and they may become your followers. Likewise, your interview with them turns your followers onto them. You both end up gaining new fans.

Interview an Expert

The best way to do interviews is to seek out experts, influencers and gurus in your chosen niche and ask if they’ll do an interview with you. Most will as long as they’ve got the time. You don’t have to actually meet them because interviews can be conducted over Skype or another VoIP program. If they’re too busy, you can offer to do it over chat or email.

Interview Yourself

Another idea is to interview yourself. This is especially good if you’re trying to establish your own expert status in your niche. In this case, you need to find someone to interview you. It can be a friend, business associate or professional voice-over talent. Create the questions you’d like them to ask and formulate your answers (but try to make it natural – it shouldn’t seem scripted).

Podcast It

Writing is tough for most people but talking isn’t. Neither is recording your voice using audio software. You can create instant content by making interviews and turning them into podcasts. Your podcasts can be available for free or you can sell them. You can put them on your site, post them to social media, offer them to your subscriber list, or submit them to podcast directories.

The most lucrative use of your interviews is to create podcast information products. Record a series of interviews and put them all together under a common theme. Then hire someone to type it up and create PDF transcripts.

Coming up with Questions

The best way to come up with interview questions is to steal them from your followers. Look at what people are asking on social media sites, on forums, and in blog comments. Use those questions for your interview.



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