Internet Marketing Success Results From Regular & Sustained Effort

Having had some time off work meant that although my Internet marketing activities got a real boost and I managed to write a number of blogposts and schedule them for release over the coming weeks, returning to the ‘day job’ was fraught.

But what I really learned from the time at home is with your Internet marketing business and activity its not necessarily the amount of time you spend writing articles, blogposts etc but the quality of ‘focused’ time that’s really vitally important, let me explain ……

Why Publishing Calendars are a MUST!

As I mentioned in my post last weekend, establishing a publishing calendar is absolutely vital.

This I did whilst I was at home. I actually have four, one for each of these areas – Blogposts, auto responder messages, articles and postings to other Internet marketing blogs and forums. So effectively all of my current marketing activity is detailed.

Now I know what some of you are thinking – “surely this is just making lists for lists sake ?”

Well I don’t think so & I’ll tell for why:

They are calendars which tell me exactly what I’ve done & when

They tell me exactly what I need to do and when I have to have it completed & ready to upload/publish – so it’s great for deadlines

Much of my blogposts I will then use for article content on Internet marketing or information publishing.

Note: only after Google have indexed the information on my blog FIRST will I then submit to article directories having possibly changed the headline and re worked the copy to be more article friendly.

The publishing calendars also allow me to schedule in specific Internet marketing posts/articles that relate to time of year/holiday periods/national events when I would want to cover specific details

It also focuses my mind on submitting an even balanced level of copy for the various categories on my Internet marketing information site. Think about it, if a new visitor comes across my site, hits a weak category, not much there then unfortunately there’s a high likelihood they will not search any further, leave & never return – so this is a key area for me.

That’s why I try & keep in the early stages a small amount of Internet marketing categories – its easier to manage. Let’s be frank there are always subject areas that we all feel more at home writing about and some that we struggle with – I’m sure you’ll all agree.

The calendar will also flag ‘gaping holes’ in my coverage of certain areas that need to be addressed. Also if I’m trying to follow on a thread over several posts this little tool keeps me on track showing when I need to follow-up.

So to sum up this is just such a useful little tool that everyone should consider using. It’s simple to keep and really essential to keeping your marketing activity organized.

The Calendar Benefits Focused Time as Well!

Finally going back to my opening point about ‘focused time’. The publishing calendar helps here as well because you are not sitting down, scratching your head wondering what you need to write about because the calendar (if you’ve spent a bit of time & set it up right) will tell you what areas need to be covered. So your time is not wasted but more productive.

Believe me take on board this simple little idea & you’ll see your levels or productivity increase massively and in many instances your quality of work also because you’re ‘focused’ and therefore sit down with purpose to produce what needs to be written.

As always hope you’ve found something of interest in this post, please do let us know, until the next time ………

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