Internet Marketing Is About Little & Often

Hi there now for those of you who follow my blog you’ll know I’ve written about Kindle and the amazing growth of digital book sales which has certainly been helped enormously by the massive growth in sales of book readers from Apple, Amazon, Sony and others. Now this huge growth is just going to continue to grow and grow as the technology just keeps driving it.

So what’s my point well for me it’s about starting to ride that dragon and use these platforms to do 2 things: make money and increase my profile on the net.

What You Need to be Doing

As I’ve commented many times before its all about little and often to my mind. Internet marketing requires time and effort and anyone who tells you different is either very lucky (unlikely) or not being totally upfront with you.

And this is what I mean by little & often – it’s about using your arsenal of promotional activities frequently and for me that includes but not limited to:

Blogposts, blog and forum commenting,autoresponders to communicate with my lists article submission and marketing,  Facebook, Twitter .

I recently set up my own personal blog i.e. in the pen name I use on Amazon for my Kindle books to even further spread myself across the net. and this is where I rant on about my passions, current situations affecting me and what I’m up to – so I cover currently my property portfolio and what’s happening there and my internet marketing activity including my imminent launch onto the Kindle platform.

So this is just another opportunity for me to cement my presence on the net.


As I’ve alluded to in the past I want to test just how easy or hard it is to make money selling digital books on the various platforms. So where am I at with that?

Well again as you’ll know I’m a firm believer in using outsourcers for some functions and my first Kindle book is no different. I’m using an outsourcer for various elements of it, editing, cover design, formatting, contents page etc. The other reason for using outsourcers for me is, it focuses the mind – if I’m paying for services and I need to approve work within a certain timeframe it means the project gains momentum – and that for me is important.

So there you have it, literally in days I should be able to announce a launch date for my first Kindle book, so watch this space.

And finally here’s my signature links to my other web activity that I’ve identified above, go take a look please.

Till the next time


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