I’m Live on Kindle

Hi there well its arrived!

My first book on Kindle has just gone live last night.  I’m really excited by this and hopefully it will start a whole new venture for me with my online business activity broadening into digital download “How To” ebooks.

Here it is:


Breaking Free From Alcohol

Priced at only $4.99, (or £3.27 if you prefer) here’s a quick intro to what its all about

“This book covers the tell tale signs of alcohol addiction whether it be in yourself or others and outlines how by seeking the correct help & support, sufferers can combat the addiction. Alcoholism is excessive, uncontrollable consumption of alcohol, accompanied by physical and psychological dependence, the earlier symptoms are recognised, and the easier a return to a normal and un- addicted life can be.”

Here’s My Outline Plan

Now I know its early days but I’m really keen to get heavily involved in Kindle and I have a number of “How To” niche health related products that I’ll be adapting for the Kindle platform and other ebook reader platforms that are out there so I’ll try and keep you posted on my progress which I’m sure will be a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows over the coming months.

Please do go take a look at my new ‘creation’ click on the title above and you’ll go straight there, let me know what you think, all comments both good and bad greatly received. I use a pen name to write hence Toby Russell and I plan on using other pen names when I enter into other niches

Till the next time

Tony Phelps

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