Ignore YouTube at Your Peril

Hi there

I just love this image, it demonstrates what can be caught on video.

Now I’ve just pulled some stats together from various sources which really puts into perspective Why you simply cannot ignore YouTube if you’re serious about making it online. Now for me the whole video thing is a bit tricky.

I’m not photogenic, blimey I’m middle aged and could do with losing a few pounds, ha ha (if not stone)  so the idea of spouting off in front of a camera is really not my thing at all BUT here’s a thing one of my Mentors Phil has impressed upon me the vital juice you need to get from video – built like me he’s not as old as me but not a pin up either – sorry Phil and he’s really pushing those he coaches to get making video and it’s my next project and whenyou read through these stats you’’ll see why……

Blimey we all forget it was only stated back in2005, 13 years ago and when Google bought it a year later in 2006 for $1.65billion, that’s not a bad return on anyone’s investment, in fact Google sees YouTube Google as  its next driver of growth.- Hardly surprising

YouTube Statistics

Total Number of MonthlyActive YouTube Users:

1.9 billion

Total Number of DailyActive YouTube Users:

30+ million

YouTube TV PayingSubscribers:


Number of Videos Sharedto Date:

5+ billion

Number of Users Creating Content Shared to Date:

50 million

Average Viewing Session

40 minutes, up 50% year-over-year

Number of Videos Watched Per Day

5 billion

Number of mobile YouTube views per day:

500 million

Number of Videos uploaded per minute:

300 hours

So Guys who the hell is doing all this activity, who are these people,what age are they and what really gets them going to spend so much of their time on YouTube – well here you go and for me this is the important part because if you know who’s using the platform and what they are watching – then yes you’ve got it I can target these people effectively – especially with some of the neat strategies that Phil my Mentor mate has shown me – and guys you can get the same tips for FREE at my membership site

YouTube Demographics

  • 62% of YouTube users are Males.
  • 80% of YouTube users come from outside the U.S.
  • 9%of small businesses areon YouTube.
  • 35+ and 55+ age groups are the fastest growing YouTubedemographics.
  • 75%of adults turnto YouTube for nostalgia rather than tutorials or current events.
  • Millennials preferYouTube twoto one over traditional television.
  • 37% ofthe coveted 18 – 34 demographic are binge-watching.
  • YouTubeservices 88 countries in 76 languages (or 95% of all internet users).
  • Males are primarily watching soccer or strategygames.
  • Females are primarily watching beauty videos.
  • There 50 million creators onYouTube.

So there you have it, get making videos guys that’s what will help drive traffic to your online activities.

Hope this all helps



Owner:  Steps To Dot Com Success.com

Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com

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