How To Write A Winning Resource Box For Your Articles

How To Get Them Clicking Your Resource Box

Hi now before we get into the details about what a resource box is and why it’s the most important part (in many ways) of your article just consider the following –

Why do folks get on the Internet?

Really simple question as is the answer: The reason is that they’re looking for information.  It might be about card games, starting an online business, dying their hair or how to meet members of the opposite sex, but it’s always info that would be useful to them.  That’s how the Internet got the well-worn nickname “The Information Superhighway.”

Then Consider the Result of this Vital Internet marketing Technique…..

Search Engine Optimization is the science of harnessing that traffic that’s looking for information and directing it to your site.  The key to doing this is content in the form of articles.

See How It All Comes Together

So what we have is people searching for information using keywords that hopefully you’ve SEO’d your site using them and then when you write articles around those keywords those articles will appear in the search results (hopefully!!) thereby directing those surfers to your site and that my friends is why your resource box at the bottom of your article is so important. Hopefully you get that. So you write some articles then what? Not only add them to your site but also submit them to article directories

Article Directories – What They Do

In fact, these sites sole purpose is to provide articles and content with links back to websites so that both surfers looking for information & website owners wanting fresh content can satisfy their needs.  This is a kind of free market of information that allows you to promote your site.

These directories, like the search engines themselves, have a search function for readers.  They’ve got information related to every topic under the sun.  You search for information and site gives you a list of articles related to your search.  After reading the article, if you like what it had to say, there’s a link at the bottom where you can click for more information.  This area at the bottom of the article is called the “resource box,” and the key to getting traffic to your site is to write a good one.

The Ingredients Of A Successful Resource Box

At its very basic, a resource box contains the author’s name, a quick description of them, a little something about the site they’re promoting and finally the link.  When folks like what they’ve read, they’ll be hungry for more information.  They’ll read here that so-and-so is an expert on such-and-such, and by clicking here they can find more.

See why this is important? 

The resource box is the reader’s link to more information, which means it’s your link to traffic.

Aside from these basic ingredients, the resource box also has to be attention grabbing and catchy.  You have to give it the same; I would say even greater level of attention as you’ve given your article because, in some ways, it’s even more important.  It needs to not only get their attention but also call them to action.  Speak directly to them and tell them why they should click on the link for more.  In other words, it takes more than just saying, “This is who I am and here is what I do.”  You’ve got to do a little prodding.

How To Write A Good Resource Box

Now that we’ve covered why you need it and what it does, let’s look at how you write a good one.  First of all, you’ve got a small space to work with.  They don’t allow you too many words with which to hook the reader and get them clicking.  You don’t get any pictures or anything else that can help to drive your point; you’ve got to choose your words carefully.  Like the article, write the resource box so that it gets their attention, establishes your authority and calls them to action (where the “action” is “click the link!”).

The resource box, just like the article, should be keyword optimized.  Choose good keywords that get lots of searches and are related to your niche, and use them in the resource box just like you used them in the article.  Use the many tools available online (Google’s free keyword search tool is one) for choosing the right ones

Being relevant is key

It’s really important that these keywords are highly relevant to your site.  With the wrong keywords, you might get traffic, but it will be numbers only.  People will click away immediately.  Remember that you’re trying to build credibility in your niche.  Your resource box makes a lasting impression to your readers and you get only one chance.

Finally, realize the importance of your resource box and act accordingly.  Spend some time writing it and, if you can, split test different resource boxes to see which get the most traffic.  Use your creativity and make the resource box fun.  Pack your expertise, writing skill and credibility into that tiny resource box and it will start over time to increase your traffic to your site.

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