How To Use Google AdWords For Effective Traffic Generation

We all know that Traffic is what it’s all about if you want to make money on line.  Naturally every site is trying to get as much of it as possible, but its not just size but also the quality and targeted nature of traffic that’s also vitally important. This is where the ability to ‘market’ your site through the medium of the ‘internet’ comes in, hence the term Internet marketing.

Websites must be seen and read, that’s a given. You can spend tons of money and all of your time making the most beautiful, useful and informative site on the web, and without traffic it will get you nowhere.

Each person that visits your site is a potential customer for the products or services that you’re offering, for many of us the primary function is to entice visitors to join our ‘list’ this offers the ability to market to them many times into the future.  Some sites fail because they don’t get traffic or don’t get the right kind of traffic; but many sites have risen to the top by focusing on their niches or sub-niches.

The point is not just to get random traffic, but also to get the people who will actually buy from you.  Sites work hard to target certain groups for this reason.  It’s important to do precision marketing through keyword research to get the right kind of traffic to your site.

It Takes Money To Make Money?

To a degree this is true but as with all things it’s a case of size and in many instances initially spending a little but in a very focused and targeted manner can produce very worthwhile results

One of the greatest areas you can invest in is advertising.  The right kind of advertising can get you a massive flow of traffic that you can use.  Even if you only get a small percentage of sales from your traffic, more traffic will mean more cash, but also create increased awareness to your site. Bear in mind statistics show most visitors do not buy on first visit; indications are it takes at least 3 or 4 visits to establish the confidence to buy.

Google AdWords Is Your Starting Point

For online advertising you need to be trying Google Adwords.  It’s simple, straightforward and undoubtedly works as you can target specific keywords that you believe people within your niche are searching for

The way it works is that you pay Google according to how many clicks (hence its called pay per click or PPC advertising) you ad receives. So in simple terms, a visitor to Google types in ‘how to stop smoking?’ if they then see your ad for ‘stop smoking course’ and click on it Google charge you for that click    Your ads could be right there on the first page, it just depends how competitive your niche and the keywords you have chosen

Pay Per Click Better Known as PPC Advertising

This is a great method for getting your message in front of the right people.  It also makes sure that you have a good opportunity of getting on the first page of their search.  It takes a little money, but it ensures that your potential customers will see you.  You target them, and they head to your site to see what you have to offer. Bear in mind by setting a daily budget, once you have received clicks to the value of that budget Google don’t run your ads anymore that day – the advantage you can’t go over your budget – you know what your costs are and the following day Google reinstate your ads and so it goes on. You can also cancel or pause a campaign at any time – you’re always in control.

Other search engines have their own similar systems.  Sites like Ask Jeeves, AOL Search, Yahoo and Bing also have their own ad systems.  They have ads that respond to searches in just the same way.

There are also other sites that will display Google Adwords for you.  This all depends on which niche you’ve chosen.  The ads will only appear on relevant sites.  The amount you pay also determines how often your ad will appear.

But here’s my Top Tip – go over to Google , set up your account, it’s real easy and have a play with it. Set your daily budget very, very low, test a couple of ads, even writing ads for Google can take time because of the restrictions they place on number of words and characters, but get stuck in and have a crack at it you’ll be amazed just how simple, how targeted and the sheer power of it – do it & do it now. Right tomorrow I’ll give you some more pointers on really getting laser targeted traffic using AdWords, so watch out for that


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