How To Use Article marketing to Get maximum Results

Decide on your own Article marketing Strategy

Article marketing for the promotion of websites and blogs has increasingly become the preferred option for many Internet marketers and webmasters for attracting much needed traffic to their sites. As many of you will know from our previous blogposts for me it is a key method we use all the time (Naturally alongside others- its about having a number of marketing guns in the arsenal) Techniques for article marketing may be pretty general but for many of us we have our own individual ways of doing things and managing the overall activity.

Because lets be honest about it if you look at the elements of Article marketing which involves writing, proofreading, editing and submitting. These four functions may be carried out by a single individual, i.e. you or you may choose to delegate some or all to different people. For me I’ll write but sometimes my proof reading is not spot on, that’s the bit I get Sam to do and if she writes I do the same for her, its almost if you’ve written it you have what I call writing blindness to grammar and spelling errors.

Why Outsource?

The major challenge most website owners have is writing their own content. They would rather concentrate on other aspects of the website such as design and layout. That is why writing is the most outsourced aspect of article marketing.

Another easily outsourced aspect of article marketing is the submission. Naturally the more articles you have scattered around various web pages, the more back links you get. That is why in my own estimation, submitting articles is an absolutely essential and key method of increasing the visibility of your site and your position within whatever niche you are in and obviously traffic generation.

Spin or Not to Spin?

One of the widely used techniques in article marketing is massive submissions method this is done when an original article is created and spun using content spinner software into several versions. This original with its versions are then mass submitted to various directories again using software.

My opinion on this is firstly it depends on the quality of the original article and secondly on the quality of the spinning software, we’ve found lots of the software does not produce terrific results and you then spend volume time still cleaning up the spun articles before realistically being able to submit. Bear in mind grammatical, spelling and purely created articles will often be refused by article directories and many webmasters will not want poor quality articles either

Ok that’s it for today, but watch out for tomorrow’s post where I’ll talk a little about Article Directories, why to use them and what’s best quantity or quality, so until tomorrow

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