“How-To” Teach Others As You Go

Hi There

How’s it going?  Today I’m going to share with you a really great way to increase your profile, build YOU as an influencer, get traffic  whilst helping others along the way    You can make your own tutorials and teach people how to do stuff – with a link back to your site for more!

“How To” The MOST searched for term on YouTube

Tutorial sites offer a great way to get traffic and almost nobody knows about them.  There are people out there hungry to learn how to do stuff in every single niche and you can be the one to teach them.  Your excellent video tutorials will get them clicking to your site for more of the valuable, high-quality info you provide.

Don’t Panic……

Now I can hear some of you saying “video tutorials – I can’t do that”. Now don’t panic video tutorials don’t necessarily need to be you in front of the camera (good if you can but not essential) you can after all do storyboard tutorials with screen capture – it’s great if you really don’t fancy being the star of the show.

Why Tutorials?

When you’re an Internet marketer, you’re also a teacher.  You’re sharing your interest with the world and teaching them how to do things that improve their lives, make them money, make them happy, etc.  Whether you realize it or not, you’re teaching people through your info products, website content, articles and auto responder messages.  Why not do it directly through tutorials?

Tutorials also help you to brand yourself as an authority in your niche.  Think about it – if you found a writing website run by a guy or gal who teaches writing workshops, doesn’t your image of that person’s authority shoot up suddenly?  You’re doing the same thing by producing tutorials.  It doesn’t bring you the cred that teaching offline workshops might, but it comes pretty close.

Another great reason to make tutorials is that it’s incredibly easy.  All you need is a program for recording video and some good content.  And content is easy to come up with.

Honestly that’s what I’m doing RIGHT NOW  you’re reading my post and hopefully you find it informative and interesting – if it and the rest on my blog give you a small insight how to be successful online then my mission has worked – not bad really!!

TRAINING – TRAINING – AND MORE TRAINING – That’s What it’s All About – but here’s a thing the training you can get RIGHT HERE  is not only (mostly)  FREE but much of it is short, sharp VIDEOS – this is not 25 hours of boring video that has your head spinning – this is PRACTICAL & CUTTING EDGE STUFF

No. 1 -Join my membership site its totally FREE – Yes I mean it totally FREE

FREE coaching, FREE tools, FREE video tutorials, FREE video creation software go here now, click on the arrows – >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

No. 2 click on the image below








Owner:  Steps To Dot Com Success.com

Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com

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